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{{Infobox Character
{{Infobox Character
|name= Seimenk Ongo
|name= Seimenk Ongoh
|image=[[File:Seimenk_Ongo.jpg|450px|Pre and Post Transformation.]]
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|player= Sorrowdusk
|player= Sorrowdusk
*Name: Seimenk Ongo
*Name: Seimenk Ongoh
*Age: 240
*Age: 240
*Sex: Male
*Sex: Male
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[[Category:Inactive Characters]]

Latest revision as of 21:04, 14 September 2014

Seimenk Ongoh
Pre and Post Transformation.
A.K.A. Sei
Age 240
Voice Actor
Relatives None
Player Sorrowdusk
  • Name: Seimenk Ongoh
  • Age: 240
  • Sex: Male
  • Birthday: May 5th
  • Parents: None
    • Place of Birth: Hueco Mundo
    • Nationality: Asian
    • Specialty:
    • Hobbies:
    • Likes: Music, Art
    • Dislikes: Incurious people that take things at face value
    • Favorite Food: Peaches
    • Least Favorite Food: Natto
    • Favorite Music: Rap, punk rock, or R & B
    • Favorite Sport: Hand Ball
    • Most Valuable Possessions:
    • Level of Education: Approximately Highdchool
    • Seiyuu/Voice Actor: ???/Herman Li of Dragonforce (dub)
  • Physical Stats
    • Height: 6' "3 ( 8' "7 after transformation)
    • Weight: 165lbs ( 247lbs after transformation)
    • Eyes: Hazel (Red, with Red Sclera after transformation)
    • Hair: Black
    • Special: Unique Marks- A thin gold outline around his eyes that gives the impression of a sharp, angular domino mask.


He appears as a young man of east asian descent with fuzzy black hair cropped around his head. He wears a close fitting black coat that buttons down the front with a red inner lining, and a high mandarin or nehru collar. It is highly reminiscent of a priest’s cassock. Under the coat he is bare chested, and wears black slacks with white leather shoes and black socks. His Hollow-Hole is centered where his navel should be, though it is usually covered. The remnants of his Hollow mask are in the form of a sharp, slightly curved, ridge like structure that starts from a point on the back of his neck, then widens and runs over the top of the right side his head where it narrows until it reaches a point in between his eyebrows.


When alone he spends a lot of time in thought, enraptured in philosophical musing or existentialist brooding. He feels that too many of his kind dont spend enough time reflecting on their existence or considering their place in the universe. He is not quiet, spending a considerable amount of time talking to himself, or going into long monologues during normal conversations much to the annoyance of some people who insist he's just "running off at the mouth". He is usually calm and relaxed. Although he can become quite excited during his "rants", he is never visibly angry. He has a sense of humor, albeit it is of the dry, sharp, sardonic variety.

He has taken an interest in literature, poetry, and the spoken word. He makes occasional visits to the human world, although only to read books or sample their music - usually rap, punk rock, or R & B. These genre's tend to express strong often negative emotions, the very things Hollows are made of. The residents of Hueco Mundo dont tend to write things or make music, and entering the Soul Society to access their libraries or hear their musicians is too dangerous. He has an interest in radio, and wonders if perhaps he might develop a technique to broadcast his voice across Hueco Mundo to share his thoughts and good music. He wonders how many would actually listen.

He has no problem with fighting and killing when it proves necessary, but isn't likely to start fights. Even if there’s something to be gained, he'd prefer to try to manipulate the enemy into giving it away or simply steal it than fight. When he does fight its only because he must survive. He firmly believes as long as one is fighting to survive, no party is at fault, it is simply fate that those involved became enemies.


It is hard for him to recall things before sometime in his late gillian-hood. He probably started as a single soul which became a hollow or was completely devoured by one. More and more souls accumulated, until so many were fighting for control the body they inhabited might as well as have been mindless. But slowly, its intelligence increased until his personality won out over all the others. Time is hard to keep aware of, and largely irrelevant to an immortal being. But Seimenk guesses it was about two and a half centuries ago, that he died in some remote, lonely place. He cannot remember exactly where, but suspects it may have been due to starvation and exposure, or whichever got him first. He believes he may have even brought it upon himself in an attempt at suicide.

Seimenk continued eating other hollows and further evolving. Not out of some ambition to become an all powerful Vasto Lorde, but because it was necessary for survival. Time and time again he found himself the target of other menos whom either underestimated him, or he was able to outsmart. If you defeat an adversary why not take everything they have? And how can one take more than by devouring them? Later, as an adjuchas he began questioning his existence, and what purpose he or his kind might serve. He was overcome by black body-breakdown, inner red–ache, and violet sorrow-squall. A violent prismatic spray of scintillating colors, all of them dark and new sensations, all of them painful. In the desire to find a real goal and still the chaos within, he tore his mask from his face through sheer force of will.

Now he wanders, still trying to find his reason for being. He briefly considered trying to join Sosuke Aizen's group, but then reconsidered. He could see reasons for overthrowing the Soul Society, but hearing of how the group preferred artificial Arrancar he decided he would stay away from the organization and to join only if they sought him out.


(These include all learned skills, as well as a relative rating from Abyssmal to Amazing. The character's level of mastery in something that can be taught or at least rated by other people follows the scale: Abyssmal, Novice, Good, Very Good, Incredible, Amazing)

YOU DO NOT HAVE TO PUT A RANK FOR -EVERY- SKILL. Just fill out the stuff you think your character would have! Feel free to add other skills that you think your character should be noted for. (Ex: Speaking French)

Physical Skills:

  • Alertness (+5)
  • Athletics (+5)
  • Stealth (+3)

Social Skills:

  • Subterfuge (+4)
  • Streetwise (+2)
  • Intimidation (though I guess if you can punch a car over this can be physical..)
  • Leadership (+2)
  • Expression (+3)
  • Etiquette (+3)
  • Performance

Mental Skills:

  • Computers (no. I'm serious. If you don't know what one is, you will NOT just 'pick it up on the fly')
  • Investigation (as in proper, scientific investigation. Anyone can ask questions or notice out of place things, it takes a real Holmes or House to do this perfectly)
  • Medicine
  • Law
  • Occult (+3)
  • Politics
  • Science

Other Skills:

  • Driving (-1)
  • Survival
  • Empathy (+5 only applies to negative emotions)
  • Animal Ken (-1)

Special Abilities

(These are skills, things that can be learned or trained, like martial arts techniques, Jutsu or magic spells. Abilities that are outside the norm of regular humans, but only because they have not had access to them.)

Hand To Hand Combat

In his human form he prefers to fight with long or mid ranged attacks, keeping his distance from the enemy and wearing them down even though he is a skilled hand to hand fighter. In this form his fighting style closely resembles Wing Chun. (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-K6WZhWp7pg) When the enemy comes close he will try to trap their hands or their weapons and attack with unnaturally swift chain punches to quickly take them down or finish them off. Though he is capable of levitation, he prefers to fight on the ground or near surfaces where he can use his Tierra Andar to hide from or reduce the damage from ranged enemy attacks. If facing a significantly stronger opponent that he cannot escape or a large number of opponents, he will set up ambushes that will allow for a decisive attack or traps that will frustrate or impede them. It should be noted that he completely refrains from using Cero in his human form, preffering the more quickly charged Bala, specifically his personal variant.

When pressed to defeat an opponent, only then will he use his Resurrección. In this state he becomes much stronger and more agile. He becomes quite good at climbing and can move very fast on all fours. He may try to overwhelm them with his Terrono Cero before coming in close and fighting hand to hand in an aggressive style that most resembles Muay Thai.

Generic Powers

-Identical to a Shinigami's shunpo or"Flash step", an abilitiy possed by many in various universes. It is not teleportaion, but faster than eye movement. In addition, one can create platforms of spirit particles (while not in the spirit realm) beneath one's feat to run, jump, or stand on air.

Pesquisa (Inquiry)
- Allows the user to enter sense a targets Reiryoku (spirit energy). This is a common ability in the multiverse.His Pesquisa is excellent. He can not only tell exactly how many meters away and in what direction his opponents are, but also sense how approximately strong they are. This ability can detect most living creatures within 300meters, unless those creatures know how to hide their spiritual pressure or power levels. It can detect entities from many miles away if they emitting sufficientlylarge amounts of spiritual energy.

Powers & Merits

(Unique, or hereditary, in-born powers, whether due to genetics or magic, things that can't be taught to others or simply gifted to this person from an outside force. Powers based on weapons should go in the Items. Merits can also go here.)

General Merits

Well-Traveled (3): You are knowledgeable of the ways of the world from your travels and studies. Once per mission, you can roll against a difficulty 6 (just a die roll, no modifiers). If successful, the GM tells you information about the situation if it makes sense. (I.E., someone from Final Fantasy 4 world may have heard about the Eidolons and the Feymarch or the Red Moon, but probably wouldn't have heard about the Hellsing Organization.)

Danger Sense (3): "Oh no! My Spider Senses are tingling!" A successful Alertness roll, difficulty depending on the situation, will give you a timely sense of foreboding before something bad happens...

Package/Arrancar Race Merits

Medium (2): You have the ability to see and interact with ghosts. Sometimes, the Restless may seek you out for favors. Depending on the ghosts you meet, this could be a very good or very bad thing.

Unaging (2): For some reason, you never age. While this has its benefits, if you know people long enough, they'll start to notice you not getting any older, which may cause some suspicion. While it's unlikely you'll die of old age, this merit does not keep you from getting ill or wounded.

Nightsight (3): You can see in near-total darkness. You may, however, be sensitive to bright light, and sudden bright light may dazzle you for a turn or two.

Standard Hollow Powers

Garganta (Throat)
- A Space/Time technique that allows the user to pass to and from Hueco Mundo through a portal.

Hierro (Iron)- Hardens the skin against attacks, but is not invulnerable. His Hierro is not extraordinary, but it is impressive versus spiritual attacks and magic. It does makes him extremely resistant to most light arms fire used by typical humans, unless they put significant spiritual pressure into their attacks. It is susceptible to being temporarily disabled or weakened when confronted with heavy ordinance and is not very effective against non-physical but mundane attacks from advanced weaponry such as lasers, particle beam guns.

Unique Hollow Powers

Proxima Bala (Proximity Bullet)
- This technique is like the standard Bala, but has a key difference. They detonate with a 10ft burst radius whenever they pass within 5ft of a subject emitting Reiryaku (spirit energy, which includes most living creatures but not robots, some undead, or one suppressing their power enough). The principle behind them is the same behind anti-aircraft gun's shells. The shells of those guns have a radar system within them, that causes them to detonate whenever they pass close to an aircraft. Before the advent of the technology, the shells would only detonate on direct impact with a target causing many of them to be wasted. They have another interesting property. If they do not pass near a target they will land wherever they may without any immediate detonation, remaining as globules of red energy that cannot be moved, sticking the ground, walls, or other surfaces. Left alone like this, they act effectively like mines and will detonate when target with spiritual pressure passes close enough. The energy will detonate automatically if they are left alone for a desired amount of time as determined by the user, up to 20 minutes.

Graves Cavar (Grave Digger)
-This gives the user geokinesis, allowing them to shape or move an amount of earth soil, sand, stone, and other earth based materials (excluding metals, or wood) so long as it is never greater than the volume of their own body. The user must have both feet in contact with the ground or some surface* and the maximum range of effect is 50yds. This technique is extremely versatile in its applications. The user could for example - form tombstone like blocks from compacted earth, levitate boulders, or levitate a mass of loose stones whose total volume is within limit, all of which would make excellent projectiles. The user could also form shields or barriers whose volume is no greater than themselves. (Larger ones could be made, but it would take time to construct them in sections) [*If the user were standing on air or held in the air by an opponent, they could not use this power.]

Unique Items

(Madougu, magical weapons or other unique or special weapons, as well as all techniques related to them, as without it technically the character is NOT able to use these abilities.)

Mono (Monkey)
In its sealed state, Mono appears as a spiked chain made of small diamond shaped links, each about the size of, or has enough volume inside to hold a coin, like a quarter. Itis equivalent to a Shinigami's Zanpakuto. Each link has a single spike on its 4 sides. Attatched to the tip of the last link is a kunai like blade or point. The chain's total length is very long, albeit only about 10-15ft is ever used offensively at a time. It wraps around his waist three times where it is fastened with 3 small padlocks locks, then around his left arm about a dozen times. The chain when not in use is not visible, hidden under his coat. It can be quickly unraveled with a flick his wrist. Whipping it, he can fire bala from the weapons tip insead of from his fist.

Exhume, Mono!
When he undergoes Resurrección he transforms into a blue-black monkey like form with a segmented prehensile tail and long claws on his hands and shorter ones on his feet. His skin becomes tough and leather like. His forearms, pelvis, and legs and tail are armored with an obsidian, jagged rock like covering that is reminiscent in shape of tufts of fur that might appear on a monkey. The "hair" on the center and left side of his head forms in an expansion of the pattern of the remnants of his hollow mask. (Essentially he looks like the picture at the top on the right, except the jagged "hair" on the far right side of his head is bone white) He gains a thin gold line around his red eyes like a domino mask. A gold border outlines his lighter colored stomach and chest from the rest of him. When viewed, the shape makes the darker colored hide of his upperbody look like a open an open jacket. He gains a significant increase in height, becoming about 2 ft taller. His normally shimmering orange and black reisatsu becomes a pale fiery green-white like burning magnesium and bromic acid.

In this form he physically attacks with stabs from his clawed hands and feet, powerful elbow and knee thrusts, and slashing in various spinning and revolving techniques using the jagged spikes of his knees and elbows, whip like tail. Aside from the spinning techniques, his fighting style in this form most resembles Muay Thai. His prehensile tail has a length of about the same as his body (9ft), but is capable of temporarily extending up to twice that distance when whipping or grabbing. During these extensions, his tail appears to add more "links" not at the end, but in the middle of itself. These temporary links appear to be made of, or enveloped in glowing energy. Whenever his tail moves or extends it makes a metallic sound similar to a chain moving about. He fires bala from the tip of his tail, except when using Terreno Cero.

Grenada Bala de Goma (Rubber Grenade Bullet)
- Another variation on the standard Bala. When fired or thrown, these balls of energy will bounce off of any surface. Although they dont explode on contact, impacts can be highly damaging. Like solid objects, they might be caught or even picked up. Regardless of where they are, they explode in 10 seconds. As long as they encounter other surfaces, they never stop moving, and with each impact their speed and resulting force only increases.

His Bala and regular powers are not likely to cause a drain on him except in an extended encounter, in which case due to exhaustion he becomes shakey and unable to properly focus his energy. During Resurrección, the same goes for his Grenada Bala de Goma, while his regular pre-Resurrección attacks have a negligible effect on him due to his increase in energy. However, his other special techniques in Resurrección are different. The first has a severely adverse effect on him after use. For the other, he is limited in not how many times he perform it per battle, but per day because of how intensive it is. Both techniques must be used with careful forethought, proper caution, and timing. Such techniques do not belong in the hands of a novice, and indeed could not be developed by one.

Oscuro Diamante Taladro (Pitch Black Diamond Drill)
The jagged ridges on his head made up of fragments of his Hollow mask and newly formed black crests are slightly swirled clockwise, and very sharp. Channeling his reiatsu, his Hierro becomes focused on his head and as a result undergoes a great increase in power, at the cost of weakening it everywhere else. Hot jets of reiatsu from his feet propel him forward while jets from the palms of his hands increase his spin. In a bounding leap, he launches a spinning headbutt that effectively turns him into a drill capable of tearing into any mundane material -even diamond. While powerful, any successful counter attack could inflict significant damage because the rest of his body no longer has coverage by his Hierro. The attack only moves in a straight line and is not capable of curving or changing direction while in flight.

This is an intensive technique, and after performing it he undergoes what he refers to in his own words as a "Hierro Attack". The technique requires him to focus his Hierro entirely in one part of his body, his head. During the technique he is vulnerable to any counterattack that comes from any direction other than head on. Furthermore, this is not natural for an Arrancar. After the technique his Hierro is out of balance and fluctuates wildly. For Hierro to be effective, it requires a constant field of energy to be emitted from all points of the body simultaneously, otherwise it is completely ineffective. As the Hierro takes damage it weakens and is refreshed by a constant pulse of energy, failing only when it takes too much damage at once or is damaged faster than it can refresh or repair itself. He compares it to a Heart Attack because during a heart attack the heart has not actually stopped, but its beat is so irregular that its pulsing is completely ineffective and useless. While the "Hierro Attack" does not cause him any pain in and of itself, he may suffer greatly at the hands of the enemy if they are not severly hurt or finished outright. He views the technique as "incomplete", because if it were ever truly be perfected, this weakness would have been overcome. It takes no less than 5 minutes for him to recover and during that period he is unable to perform the technique again because he is unable to focus his disturbed Hierro. During this period he focuses on evasion first and if forced to fight, takes the full defensive.

Terreno Cero (Ground Zero)
- This technique is a variant of the standard Cero. It combines the powerful energy of the Cero with the physical impact of solid earth. Stamping a heel into the ground, the user channels energy through their foot into the earth. The energy flows in a straight line towards the target, where it builds up underneath them forming a bubble, shaking the ground filling the earth beneath with bright glowing cracks. A moment later the bubble of energy bursts, resulting in a wide (40ft diameter) column of energy and flying rock that rises up from beneath the target. The energy column damages low flying enemies in the air and enemies on the ground.

This is the end all, be all technique in his arsenal. This is it. If it doesn't put him over the top, or put him on what he believes to be the road victory, he's likely to reconsider trying to finish the fight and try to escape altogether. If he activates his Resurrección, the chances of him actually using the technique are very slim. But when he does, it will be only at the most critical moment when it can be used to its greatest effect. This Cero is as powerful as a Resurrección specific Cero is expected to be. he can use the technique twice per day, and only with 12 hours of non combat in between. In his own words he says, "I shoot once and I feel wasted, I get dizzy and its hard to think straight. Shooting twice isn't something I want to do. Even If I feel alright beforehand, If I shoot again I'll be half dead. And shooting thrice in one night? Unthinkable. I find the destruction and power of the technique to be extremely satisfying, but I must use it sparingly and with great care. Otherwise the 'poco de la muerte' [spanish lit. 'little death'] may be for real."

He considers his technique superior to other Cero because it is a surprise attack form below making it difficult to evade; albeit it is not uninterruptable. He theorizes that if something were to sever or somehow block the stream underground, it could weaken the attack or in the latter case stop it all together, provided the blockage to the stream could withstand it. (say a fully released Zanpakuto. A strong Shikai might be able to do it, but in the process it would probably be severely damaged or even broken.) The reason why he never put any time into developing normal Cero in his pre-Resurrección form is because he viewed these Cero as telegraphing too much, and taking too long to charge making them too easy evade. Instead, he focused on developing his Bala which were 20 times faster into his special Proxima Bala, which he considers more effective than normal Bala.

Items Of Note

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Weaknesses & Flaws

Flaws can go here. Balance is key!

General Flaws

Isolated Upbringing (1): You were raised in your supernatural society, or were somehow otherwise sequestered away from "normal" life, so you have trouble dealing with this Outside-World thing. Dealing with any community outside the one in which you were raised raises a -1 Penalty on Social rolls, when RP'ing accomodates it.

Echoes (3 pt Flaw): Your supernatural nature affects the world around you; for example, if you are a "witch", milk sours in your presence or you cannot walk on hallowed ground. Severity of the flaw depends on how severe–and noticeable–the echoes are. This should be taken only by supernatural or cursed characters. There is little to no reason for Joe Dudeguy to make milk sour, but Billy Half-Demon might.

In scenes where he is involved, this manifests as a physical chill that lowers the temperature by 20 degrees. Mirrors and other surfaces do not reflect normally, with images appearing distorted and countennances appear "evil" somehow.

Package/Arrancar Race Flaws

Offensive to Animals (1): For some reason, animals fear you or just don't like you. All rolls involving interacting with animals are at a -1 Penalty. Some creatures (Vampires, Werewolves, Robots) have this naturally, so taking it again makes the animals actively antagonistic towards you, and may bite you or pee on you.

Otherworldly Taint (2): You have a physical peculiarity (odd hair/eye color, glowing eyes, etc.) and/or just an odd aura about you which may make you stick out. Someone who suspects you're not "normal" may make an Alertness roll, difficulty 7, to determine what you are.

Other Weaknesses

Spectral Undetectability: As a form of hollow, he cannot be sensed (seen, heard, smelled, etc) at all by those with zero spiritual awareness.. Even those without any however can feel his presence and see the poltergeist like results of his actions. Those with only a modicum of awareness can hear him. Animals can sense him fully, as HP Lovecraft said, he is that "at which dogs howl in the dark, and cats prick up their ears at night". Though a spiritual being he is not the same as a plus (or ghost) and cannot pass through walls or other solid objects. Special technology (PKE meters, goggles, etc) can detect him fully. Cameras or video will pick him up as a hazy blur or mist due to electromagnetic interference from the spirit particles that make up his body.

NPC(s) to go with char

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