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(Weaknesses & Flaws)
(Large Scale Battle Stats)
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**Level of Education: college
**Level of Education: college
**Seiyuu/Voice Actor: Tetsuya Iwanaga
**Seiyuu/Voice Actor: Tetsuya Iwanaga
**Preferred Weapons: Bow/Knife
*Physical Stats
*Physical Stats
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= Skills =
= Skills =
'''Physical Skills''':
'''Physical Skills''':
*Alertness Very good
*Alertness Very good (Incredible Due to Archer Class)
*Athletics Incredible
*Athletics Incredible
*Stealth Very good
*Stealth Very good
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= Powers & Merits =
= Powers & Merits =
*Danger Sense (3): "Oh no! My Spider Senses are tingling!" A successful Alertness roll, difficulty depending on the situation, will give you a timely sense of foreboding before something bad happens...
*'''C'tarl Endurance''': He can take some punishment and keep going, though continual fighting like this will wear him out. This ability allows him to keep fighting even after taking attacks that would normally maim a person. Thanks to his C'tarl and Demonic heritage he is very resilient to it. But as stated he will wear down and even pass out if hurt enough.
*Institutional Control (4): If recruited he comes with a backing of mercenaries from the guild the man he has become ran.
*'''Dark Energy Blast''': An ability inherited by his mother, This fires off a magical ball of dark energy at the enemy target. This attack feels like being hit with demonic energy, with a slight mana drain side effect to it. (The mana will be given to Laith.) If used against another demon, it would simply empower the creature. If used against a holy enemy (such as an angel) it may be more effective and painful than it would be against a normal human. This blast is not as strong as one would think, as it has a mana drain to it as well as a damaging effect.
*'''Sense Soul''': He is able to sense if someone is a demon, angel, spirit, plain normal human, or something else entirely.
*'''Sense Magic''': Due to being a supernatural creature, He is able to sense magical auras as well as the energy signatures of artifacts or other similar things
*'''Double Straffing''': An archer is able to draw on their skill power and fire a single arrow shot which hits the same target twice. This only works if the target is actually hit.
*'''Making Arrow''': Using certain items, an archer is able to craft arrows. (branches)
*'''Charge Arrow''': A shot strong enough to knock an enemy back away from the archer.
*C'tarl Endurance: He can take some punishment and keep going, though continual fighting like this will wear him out. This ability allows him to keep fighting even after taking attacks that would normally maim a person. Thanks to his C'tarl and Demonic heritage he is very resilient to it. But as stated he will wear down and even pass out if hurt enough.
*Dark Energy Blast: An ability inherited by his mother, This fires off a magical ball of dark energy at the enemy target. This attack feels like being hit with demonic energy, with a slight mana drain side effect to it. (The mana will be given to Laith.) If used against another demon, it would simply empower the creature. If used against a holy enemy (such as an angel) it may be more effective and painful than it would be against a normal human. This blast is not as strong as one would think, as it has a mana drain to it as well as a damaging effect.
Danger Sense (3): "Oh no! My Spider Senses are tingling!" A successful Alertness roll, difficulty depending on the situation, will give you a timely sense of foreboding before something bad happens...
*Sense Soul: He is able to sense if someone is a demon, angel, spirit, plain normal human, or something else entirely.
*Institutional Control (4): If recruited he comes with a backing of mercenaries from the guild the man he has become ran.
*Sense Magic: Due to being a supernatural creature, He is able to sense magical auras as well as the energy signatures of artifacts or other similar things
= Unique Items =
= Unique Items =
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*Compulsion (1): Drinking ..if he is offered a drink he will PROBABLY take it. You have a specific compulsion which may cause you problems. You might need to roll (Diff 6) to resist this.
*Compulsion (1): Drinking ..if he is offered a drink he will PROBABLY take it. You have a specific compulsion which may cause you problems. You might need to roll (Diff 6) to resist this.
*Mistreated Minority (2): His ears and tail mark him as either Manakete or a Tagul (sp) You belong to a group or have a trait to which the average person will react badly. This depends a lot on where the game takes place and what kind of people you run into, so check with the GM before you assume you can take this. This is a bit of a problem in this kind of setting, where many things may be blocked to you, and your opinion may be considered useless or even negative just because of what you are or look like. Reacting as if it were some sort of injustice will either make the locals angry or confused why you feel this way.
*Mistreated Minority (2): His ears and tail mark him as either Manakete or a Tagul (sp) You belong to a group or have a trait to which the average person will react badly. This depends a lot on where the game takes place and what kind of people you run into, so check with the GM before you assume you can take this. This is a bit of a problem in this kind of setting, where many things may be blocked to you, and your opinion may be considered useless or even negative just because of what you are or look like. Reacting as if it were some sort of injustice will either make the locals angry or confused why you feel this way.
Group Enmity (2): Not on the greatest terms with the church due to his glowing tattoos and general dark aura, marking him as a follower of Grima
*Group Enmity (2): Not on the greatest terms with the church due to his glowing tattoos and general dark aura, marking him as a follower of Grima
== Large Scale Battle Stats ==
*'''Stats''': +250 ATK, +250 DEF
*'''Special: Harrying''' - Three times per battle, Laith can cause the enemy army DEF to take a -400 penalty for a round.
They will also lose +200HP from ties during this round.
*'''Super: Mercenary Lord''' - Laith can deliver 1000HP of damage to the enemy, and get 500 HP back to his own army.
Laith is then out of the battle.
[[Category:DG Character]] [[Category:Jade's Characters]]

Latest revision as of 20:53, 14 September 2014

Laith Clan Clan
A.K.A. Pride
Age 21
Voice Actor Tetsuya Iwanaga
Relatives Fakir, Isabelle, Adela
Series Outlaw Star/Castlevania
Player Jade
  • Name: Laith Clan Clan
  • Age: 21
  • Sex: Male
  • Birthday: May 2nd
  • Parents: Fakir and Isa
    • Place of Birth: The Inn! ..not kidding.
    • Nationality: C'tarl/ Demon ... or japanese
    • Specialty: Hacker/Ranged combatant
    • Hobbies: Fiddling with eletronics
    • Likes: Drinking ^^; ..and uh other stuff
    • Dislikes: buzz killers
    • Favorite Food: Meat, anything with meat
    • Least Favorite Food:
    • Favorite Music: Rock
    • Favorite Sport: football
    • Most Valuable Possessions: His ring
    • Level of Education: college
    • Seiyuu/Voice Actor: Tetsuya Iwanaga
    • Preferred Weapons: Bow/Knife
  • Physical Stats
    • Height:6'8"
    • Weight: 220
    • Eyes: Green
    • Hair: White
    • Special: Glowy tattoos, Pointy ears, Tail


Upbeat, outgoing, flirty, overconfident


Son of Fakir and Isabelle, though unlike his alternate universe sister, he isn't evil. Laith was born and raised within the confines of the inn itself. Though he often went back and forth between that world and Fakir's home world while he was young. Eventually he would become an agent of Paradigm in his world. Working quite some time as a hacker and front line fighter for the group due to his toughness. One day he would be whisked off to another world on accident~ landing and SMASHING his phone that would allow him to call the epoch back to him...so now he is stuck in this strange mid evil world.


Physical Skills:

  • Alertness Very good (Incredible Due to Archer Class)
  • Athletics Incredible
  • Stealth Very good

Social Skills:

  • Subterfuge Very good
  • Streetwise Incredible
  • Intimidation Very good
  • Leadership Good

Mental Skills:

  • Computers Incredible
  • Investigation Very good
  • Occult Very good
  • Politics abysmal
  • Science Very Good
  • Technology Incredible

Other Skills:

  • Driving Good
  • Survival Good
  • Empathy Good
  • Animal Ken Abysmal

Special Abilities

  • Cqc Training.
  • Thrown weapons Training
  • Firearms Training
  • Marksman training: This includes use of Crossbows.

Powers & Merits

  • C'tarl Endurance: He can take some punishment and keep going, though continual fighting like this will wear him out. This ability allows him to keep fighting even after taking attacks that would normally maim a person. Thanks to his C'tarl and Demonic heritage he is very resilient to it. But as stated he will wear down and even pass out if hurt enough.
  • Dark Energy Blast: An ability inherited by his mother, This fires off a magical ball of dark energy at the enemy target. This attack feels like being hit with demonic energy, with a slight mana drain side effect to it. (The mana will be given to Laith.) If used against another demon, it would simply empower the creature. If used against a holy enemy (such as an angel) it may be more effective and painful than it would be against a normal human. This blast is not as strong as one would think, as it has a mana drain to it as well as a damaging effect.
  • Sense Soul: He is able to sense if someone is a demon, angel, spirit, plain normal human, or something else entirely.
  • Sense Magic: Due to being a supernatural creature, He is able to sense magical auras as well as the energy signatures of artifacts or other similar things


  • Double Straffing: An archer is able to draw on their skill power and fire a single arrow shot which hits the same target twice. This only works if the target is actually hit.
  • Making Arrow: Using certain items, an archer is able to craft arrows. (branches)
  • Charge Arrow: A shot strong enough to knock an enemy back away from the archer.


Danger Sense (3): "Oh no! My Spider Senses are tingling!" A successful Alertness roll, difficulty depending on the situation, will give you a timely sense of foreboding before something bad happens...

  • Institutional Control (4): If recruited he comes with a backing of mercenaries from the guild the man he has become ran.

Unique Items

  • Thief's Ring: Looks to be a simple iron ring. This item allows Laith to store items without them being seen by others. Think of it as a bag of holding but in ring form. It will hold items ..with in reason in it, Nothing as large as a person but weapons, books, food things like that. To summon something from it you need to know it is there. You think about the item and roll your fingers, Then the item appears.
  • Bracers of Many Blades: Special Gauntlets that tap into Laiths connection to dark creatures. These gauntlets let him summon up semi clear spectral knives he can throw that disappear after stabbing there victim or he can use them as daggers in melee. This allows him to summon up to 4 knives per hand per throw.
  • Flash Stones: Small stones that when tossed blast out bright light to blind foes.
  • Rogue's Coins: small bag of maybe 5 or more coins. When a pair of coins .. one of these and another coin, are rubbed together they can speak to any rogue coin the set, allowing people to speak into the minds of whom ever carries the item, the problem is you need to physically speak into it.. so you look like you are crazy and are talking to yourself. Thieves often use Thief's Cant to send messages in this as it is not well known.

Items Of Note

  • PARADIGM Phone (Busted)
  • Pair of Light laser pistols (Cells drained)
  • Set of lockpicks

Lots of crossbow bolts

  • Armbrust Twinbow Crossbow: A highly versatile and underestimated tool. The Modern crossbow is a silent and deadly accurate tool, capable of firing several types of bolts as well as grappling hooks and zip lines. Can be mounted with a scope, reflex sights or even a flashlight.
  • Screamer: This little arrow is about the same as a normal arrow aside from the fact that it produces an ear piercing whistle as it flies through the air. Works well as a distraction tool.
  • Zip Line Bolt: Does what the name says on the tin, actually a modification of the Anti Armor bolt, The secondary explosive was removed in favor of a strong metal cord.
  • Grappling Hook Bolt; This bolt has a specialized head that when fired, after a certain distance will deploy 3 hooks much like a standard grappling hook.

Weaknesses & Flaws

  • Holy Energy: Since He is half demon, Holy energy will outright brutally harm him. This is probably one of the few things that can outright kill him as well.
  • Offensive to Animals (1): Born of both a race of alien beast people and a succubus ..yea he is pretty not natural. For some reason, animals fear you or just don't like you. All rolls involving interacting with animals are at a -1 Penalty. Some creatures (Vampires, Werewolves, Robots) have this naturally, so taking it again makes the animals actively antagonistic towards you, and may bite you or pee on you.
  • Otherworldly Taint (2): Tattoos that glow, pointed ears, sharp teeth, and a tail ( which he keeps hidden) You have a physical peculiarity (odd hair/eye color, glowing eyes, etc.) and/or just an odd aura about you which may make you stick out. Someone who suspects you're not "normal" may make an Alertness roll, difficulty 7, to determine what you are.
  • Compulsion (1): Drinking ..if he is offered a drink he will PROBABLY take it. You have a specific compulsion which may cause you problems. You might need to roll (Diff 6) to resist this.
  • Mistreated Minority (2): His ears and tail mark him as either Manakete or a Tagul (sp) You belong to a group or have a trait to which the average person will react badly. This depends a lot on where the game takes place and what kind of people you run into, so check with the GM before you assume you can take this. This is a bit of a problem in this kind of setting, where many things may be blocked to you, and your opinion may be considered useless or even negative just because of what you are or look like. Reacting as if it were some sort of injustice will either make the locals angry or confused why you feel this way.
  • Group Enmity (2): Not on the greatest terms with the church due to his glowing tattoos and general dark aura, marking him as a follower of Grima

Large Scale Battle Stats

  • Stats: +250 ATK, +250 DEF
  • Special: Harrying - Three times per battle, Laith can cause the enemy army DEF to take a -400 penalty for a round.

They will also lose +200HP from ties during this round.

  • Super: Mercenary Lord - Laith can deliver 1000HP of damage to the enemy, and get 500 HP back to his own army.

Laith is then out of the battle.