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= Powers & Merits =
= Powers & Merits =
'''Clay Form'''
'''Clay Form'''<br>
Gabriel's genetics have been altered in much the same fashion as his father, though while his father was mutated with chemicals (and his structure was highly unstable as a result), Gabriel was born with this influence, and as such his cellular structure is much more stable.   
Gabriel's genetics have been altered in much the same fashion as his father, though while his father was mutated with chemicals (and his structure was highly unstable as a result), Gabriel was born with this influence, and as such his cellular structure is much more stable.   
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Being made of clay, attacks that would often kill a normal person would have no effect on Gabriel.  In the event that part of his body is slashed, or stabbed, or punctured, the clay will autonomically fill in whatever gap has been created, and should his body parts be scattered (by, say, an explosion), they'll move to reunite.  Though he still requires air, food and water, he lacks any truly-defined internal organs, and so injury in that regard is near-impossible.
Being made of clay, attacks that would often kill a normal person would have no effect on Gabriel.  In the event that part of his body is slashed, or stabbed, or punctured, the clay will autonomically fill in whatever gap has been created, and should his body parts be scattered (by, say, an explosion), they'll move to reunite.  Though he still requires air, food and water, he lacks any truly-defined internal organs, and so injury in that regard is near-impossible.

Latest revision as of 05:46, 27 June 2014

Gabriel Hagen
A.K.A. "Clayface"
Age 19
Voice Actor N/A
Relatives Dr. Stella Bates (mother)
Matthew Hagen (father, missing)
Series Batman: The Animated Series
Player Mower
  • Name: Gabriel Hagen
  • Age: 19
  • Sex: Male
  • Birthday: February 5th
  • Parents: Dr. Stella Bates - mother, Matthew Hagen - father (missing)
    • Place of Birth: Gotham
    • Nationality: American
    • Specialties: Disguise, Stealth, Melee Combat
    • Hobbies: Boxing, gambling, vandalism.
    • Likes: Silence, respect.
    • Dislikes: Snoops, emotional displays.
    • Favorite Food: 'House Special' Lo Mein
    • Least Favorite Food: Milk
    • Favorite Music: Frank Sinatra standards
    • Favorite Sport: American Football
    • Most Valuable Possessions: None.
    • Level of Education: High School (unfinished)
    • Seiyuu/Voice Actor: N/A
  • Physical Stats
    • Height: 6'1"
    • Weight: 200 lbs.
    • Eyes: Brown
    • Hair: Black
    • Special: Fluctuating appearance.


Tall and solid-built, his muscular frame is on display under his attire - largely tee-shirts and jeans, though he does own a bomber jacket for the cold weather. His visage is oddly unscarred, considering his confrontational personality and less-than-pristene history. His face has formed a grimace almost out of habit, and his eyes are cold and penetrating.


Gabriel can be cold to all but those closest to him, and he is far from talkative. When he does talk, he can be cocky (on his best days) or downright confrontational (on his worst). His temper is one of his weaknesses, often getting the best of him, but when he does make friends, he is fiercely loyal to them. He is not evil (his opinion) or insane (cited by a district judge); he lacks direction, and this apathy is the result of that.


Matt Hagen was, in his day, one of the silver screen's most accomplished actors. However, following a horrific car accident that left his face disfigured, Matt was left with few options, ultimately choosing to accept the help of Daggett Pharmaceuticals, a less-than-reputable manufacturer that had offered him use of a new, highly-experimental skin cream that acted at the cellular level. After a painful falling out with the company, Hagen was ambushed, drowned with gallons of the same cream he had worked so hard for. The resulting overdose soaked every cell in Matt's body with the cream's altering properties, and he was born anew, as the villain "Clayface".
Clayface proceeded to wreak havoc on his home city of Gotham; motivated partly by greed and wrath, but also despondant with the loss of his inherent humanity. This changed when he was reunited with Dr. Stella Bates, who had worked as a medical adviser in many of his films. The doctor believed she could help Clayface with his condition, give him more control, and try to undo some of the damage the cream had done. In truth, she did this because she had fallen deeply in love with Matt, from the first day she'd met him. Over time, as they struggled to claim more of the ingredients necessary to facilitate his recovery, that love bloomed, and was consumated one dark, dreary evening.
It was not long after that their short liason was broken - felled by a vigilante, Matt fell into the sea, where his clay body dissolved, presumed dead. Stella, heartbroken, soon found she was with child. Not knowing that Clayface had survived the fall (and never looked back), Stella gave birth to the child from inside the walls of Arkham Asylum, mad with grief.
Gabriel was immediately thrust into the world of foster care, but as his DNA possessed the same mutations as Clayface's, few families found themselves prepared for the challenges. He grew up in orphanages, learning about the side of Gotham, and perhaps the world, that many dare not speak of. When he was 14, sickened by the cold and uncaring orphanage staff and feeling prepared to take on the world, he ran. He managed to avoid the wary eyes of vigilantes, and of the Gotham Police Department, stealing enough to keep himself fed, and marketing himself as a reliable errand boy for many of Gotham's mobster-elite. His rookie mistakes were overcome easily, as he was tried as a child, and escape proved a laughable concern. However, over time he grew older, a little more experienced, a touch warier of the world. But he also became more confident, more brash, trying to pull off even greater achievements, overly cocky. Last year, he was finally apprehended in a bank heist and sent to isolation in Blackgate Prison. Escape proved much more difficult.
Before Gabriel was able to find his way out, he was greeted with guests: agents of PARADIGM, looking to recruit him to their cause as a form of probation. They viewed his shape-shifting abilities as an incredible asset, and in exchange for his assistance with a number of missions (to be chosen by PARADIGM), they would organize his release from prison. While Gabriel could have said no, could have escaped prison in his own time, he realized that there was nothing holding him to this place, and indeed nothing for him to cling to. At the very least, it would be a good place to test himself.
He has never spoken to either of his parents.


Physical Skills Social Skills Mental Skills Other Skills
  • Athletics: Good (+2)
  • Stealth: Incredible (+4)
  • Subterfuge: Amazing (+6-7 with merit)
  • Streetwise: Very Good (+3)
  • Intimidation: Good (+2)
  • Leadership: Abysmal (-1)
  • Expression: Abysmal (-1)
  • Etiquette: Abysmal (-1)
  • Computers: Novice (+1)
  • Medicine: Abysmal (-1)
  • Law: Novice (+1)
  • Empathy: Abysmal (-1)
  • Animal Ken: Abysmal (-1)

Powers & Merits

Clay Form
Gabriel's genetics have been altered in much the same fashion as his father, though while his father was mutated with chemicals (and his structure was highly unstable as a result), Gabriel was born with this influence, and as such his cellular structure is much more stable.

  • This is not an ability that can be activated or deactivated - his body is a clay-like substance that can manipulate itself to replicate the look and touch of nearly anything else. If he stops thinking of a manipulation, his body will return to its normal, clay form.
  • Gabriel controls this mentally - he appears in his normal human form as a default, but if he can envision some part of his body looking like something, his body will do the rest.
  • The clay of Gabriel's body can be stretched and extended, and it can be thrown in globs. However, his body is a finite material, and as such, he can't 'swell' to something beyond his own size (like a monster, a tank, or a skyscraper).
  • Gabriel assumes a remote command over removed parts of his body, but only to either remain in place or to return to his body.
  • Gabriel can absorb items into his body to conceal them.
  • Gabriel's body, lacking an internal structure, can liquefy to the size of a large, muddy puddle, and reform.
  • Gabriel has control over his fluctuating vocal chords, allowing his voice to adjust to his will.

Being made of clay, attacks that would often kill a normal person would have no effect on Gabriel. In the event that part of his body is slashed, or stabbed, or punctured, the clay will autonomically fill in whatever gap has been created, and should his body parts be scattered (by, say, an explosion), they'll move to reunite. Though he still requires air, food and water, he lacks any truly-defined internal organs, and so injury in that regard is near-impossible.


  • Self-Confident (5): Gabriel has gotten through this world with faith only in himself - he is stubborn and eager to prove himself, and his unique powerset make him able to surprise those who would doubt him. He gets one automatic successful roll during missions, on a non-combat difficulty check of 6 or higher.
  • Gall (2): On the streets, only he who proves himself strongest is strong. Gabriel has spent so much of his life fending off neighborhood toughs and rivals, he almost doesn't know how to interact any other way. He gains +1 to any social roll requiring backbone.
  • Common Sense (1): He had to break a lot of rules in order to survive so far, but he's no idiot.
  • Honeyed Tongue (2): Though you would never want to tell him to his face, it's clear that Gabriel inherited some of his father's gift for acting, and shows it whenever he assumes someone's identity. He gains +1 to Subterfuge attempts, +2 if he's planned things out well enough.

Weaknesses & Flaws

  • The substance that composes Gabriel's body, while incredibly durable, is subject to some weaknesses that most people would not deal with. For example, in temperatures under 20 degrees Fahrenheit (-6 2/3rds degrees Celsius), his body will actively begin to freeze, rendering him useless. In intense heat, his body can become baked (to the same effect). Whilst his body is solid, Gabriel has no control over it until it thaws or is re-moisturized.
  • Electrical currents affect Gabriel's body adversely, causing it to twitch and form materials at random.
  • Occasional, or even regular use of Gabriel's abilities has very little adverse affect, but should he start using it excessively in a short time-span, he will exhaust himself, and struggle to hold himself together as a result (see 'Monstrous', under FLAWS.) Having to reassemble his body after a long fall or time spent in water (see 'Allergic to Water', under FLAWS) will leave him exhausted to the point of unconsciousness.


  • Allergic to Water (3): Gabriel's material is immediately diluted by water - rain will leave him struggling to hold himself together, a pressurized spray will tear right through him, and being submerged in water will result in his body immediately disintegrating. In the event he loses some part of his body in this way, it cannot reassemble until dried; if his body disintegrates, the small chunks of clay will move autonomously towards the nearest dry land, where he can then reassemble.
  • Monstrous (1-3): As Gabriel overuses his power (or is beaten up sufficiently), his body will cease to return to its natural form. At first, it looks like he is sweating profusely and melting a little (1 point flaw), before he loses his body's color and becomes a more apparent clay creature (2 points), and finally loses any human shape he had, instead appearing as a clay monster (3 points, see picture above).
  • Overconfident (1): Does not work well in groups, does not listen to commands well. He's fairly certain he can handle anything, and needs to be proven wrong.
  • Ulterior Motive (2): Gabriel isn't working for the good of the cause or for the other people at the inn (certainly not yet), he's working for his freedom. His criminal record is not something he brags about.
  • Offensive to Animals (1): Animals can tell the difference between a warm body and a walking pile of clay. They do not like walking piles of clay, as luck would have it.
  • Outsider (2): As easy as it can be to fool strangers to believing him, Gabriel isn't about to win over any friends, between his checkered past and his surly disposition.