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== Skills ==
== Skills ==
Alertness: Incredible
Alertness: Incredible <br>
Athletics: Incredible
Athletics: Incredible <br>
Computers: Incredible
Computers: Incredible <br>
Occult: Good
Occult: Good <br>
Intimidation: Very Good
Intimidation: Very Good <br>
== Special Abilities, Powers ==
== Special Abilities, Powers ==
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***'''Telepathic Evasion:''' Gains a latent telepathic intuition to help with evading attacks.
***'''Telepathic Evasion:''' Gains a latent telepathic intuition to help with evading attacks.
== Notable Items ==
*'''Phased Particle Blaster:''' Attached to the right forearm, a blaster capale of firing a stunning Electrostatic Bolt, or a high-energy Plasma Bolt
*'''Phased Particle Blaster:''' Attached to the right forearm, a blaster capale of firing a stunning Electrostatic Bolt, or a high-energy Plasma Bolt
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*'''Flight Booster:''' Grants the Armor the ability to fly or hover in place, gives exceptional dash and flight speed.
*'''Flight Booster:''' Grants the Armor the ability to fly or hover in place, gives exceptional dash and flight speed.
== Weaknesses ==
''Brain:''  Has an organic brain in the cranium, severe trauma to the head will disable them.
''Brain:''  Has an organic brain in the cranium, severe trauma to the head will disable them.

Latest revision as of 06:26, 21 February 2014

Voice Actor
Player Radical
  • Name: Tower Guardian
  • Age: Over 1,000
  • Sex:
  • Likes: Following Orders
  • Dislikes: Tresspassers, interference

Physical Stats

  • Height: 7'0"
  • Weight: 600 lbs.
  • Eyes: blue
  • Hair:




Single-minded. Relentless. Robotic.


Alertness: Incredible
Athletics: Incredible
Computers: Incredible
Occult: Good
Intimidation: Very Good

Special Abilities, Powers

  • Phased Plasma Powercells: Self-contained fuelcells containing high-energy plasma. Designed to self-destruct with minimal collateral damage if the fuelcell is compromised of the Guardian Armor is disabled. Generates vast amounts of energy and can sustain the unit almost indefinitely using atmospheric molecules.
  • Synthetic Brain: An organically grown artificial human brain, sustained with advanced technology. Allows the use of psionic and magical attacks in the specified configuration.
  • Robotic Strength: Has all of the massive physical strength of a high-class combat robot.
  • Composite Alloy: The Guardians are made of an extremely dense alloy resistant to heat and corrosion, able to withstand massive amounts of trauma.
  • Reactive Combat System: A sophisticated Thurmatological Interface that draws upon the internal power source to adapt the unit to the current combat situation. When struck by an attack in Standard Configuration, the unit will switch to a mode adapted for that kind of attack for several seconds (three combat rounds) or untill hit by an attack sufficiently powerful to stun, at which point it will revert to Standard Configuration.
    • Blue (Standard): Grants access to all weapons, a versatile combat form.
    • Green (Melee): Casts [Protect] on the Armor. Increases movement speed and agility. Can't use the Barrier Shield. Will counter any melee attack with an Electrostatic Punch, which is highly powerful and stuns the central nervous system briefly.
    • Yellow (Magic): Cassts [Reflect] on the Armor. Can't use any weapons except the Blaster. Will counter any spell cast at it with a random spell. Will attempt to cancel Area of Effect Spells
      • Fire
      • Fire2
      • Ice
      • Ice2
      • Bolt
      • Bolt2
      • Cancel: Counters one target spell
      • Reverberate: Copies one single target spell, choose a new target for the copy.
    • Red (Fire): Casts a Fire Barrier around the Armor, dealing and absorbing fire damage. Counters any fire attacks with Freeze Ray
      • Freeze Ray: Electrostatic Bolt is replaced by a Freeze Ray, which attempts to freeze the air around a target
    • Black (Psionics): Gains a Telekinetic barrier, attempts to counter any psychic attack with debilitating mental feedback.
      • Telepathic Evasion: Gains a latent telepathic intuition to help with evading attacks.

Notable Items

  • Phased Particle Blaster: Attached to the right forearm, a blaster capale of firing a stunning Electrostatic Bolt, or a high-energy Plasma Bolt
  • Barrier Shield: Attached to the left forearm, a buckler-like semi-transparent energy shield that can deflect many types of energy or magicval attacks. Can only be used in certain configurations.
  • Composite Swords: Made of the same Composite Alloy as the armor, can withstand clashes with many other types of swords, uncluding ones that use high-frequency vibrations
  • Flight Booster: Grants the Armor the ability to fly or hover in place, gives exceptional dash and flight speed.


Brain: Has an organic brain in the cranium, severe trauma to the head will disable them.

Fuelcell: Has a plasma-based fuelcell in the pelvic region, sevrere trauma to the goin will cause it to self-destruct.