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|relatives=JENOVA, 'Mother';<br> Kadaj, Loz, Yazoo, 'Brothers';<br> Sephiroth, 'Father'<br>
|relatives=JENOVA, 'Mother';<br> Kadaj, Loz, Yazoo, 'Brothers';<br> Sephiroth, 'Father'<br>
|series=Final Fantasy VII
|series=Final Fantasy VII

Revision as of 08:14, 21 August 2011

Won't remain, won't remain in memory..
A.K.A. Sephiroth XIII
Age 20
Voice Actor Johnny Yong Bosch
Relatives JENOVA, 'Mother';
Kadaj, Loz, Yazoo, 'Brothers';
Sephiroth, 'Father'
Series Final Fantasy VII
Player Frank
  • Name: Ain
  • Age: 20
  • Sex: Male
  • Likes: Mother, Father.
  • Dislikes: Everything else.

Physical Stats

  • Height: 5'11"
  • Weight: 160lbs
  • Eyes: Makou Green
  • Hair: White


White-haired pretty boy, wearing a black leather pants, and either a leather coat, complete with armour, or adorbed by a black leathery robe, carrying four swords on him at all times and smaller swords on his back, boots and arms. Has cold, unfeeling eyes except when talking about his 'family' and especially his 'Father'.


Nihilistic, cruel, far-sighted, patient, immature, dangerous.


  • Etiquette: Incredible
  • Expression: Incredible
  • Occult: Very Good
  • Military: Amazing


Swordsmanship: Ain is a master swordsman, carrying several on him at all times, and gifted with the use of all of them. Each of his swords, which he fights with alternatively, have a signature style and special technique.
Two-Handed Sword: Heaven's Cloud - Crushing Blow: Large two-handed sword, Ain uses it one-handed. His signature technique with it, the Crushing Blow, has him stab it into the ground, then flip over it and come down on the enemy, shattering through defenses and ignoring any magical or other protection if it hits.
Katana: Murasame - Octoslash: Using Sephiroth's fighting technique, the Murasame is the inferior counterpart to the Masamune. Octoslash is a multi-hit technique which hits 8 times with a single slash.
Rapier: Fleur de Lys - Heaven's Flash: A rapier, Ain uses it in close combat. It's special technique is to literally blur past his opponent and slash through him a dozen times, after appearing behind them.
Bastard Sword: SOLDIER Sword - Final Break: A standard issue SOLDIER bastard Sword, easily broken through the use of too much force, Ain alternates his other swords but keeps this one handy at all times. It's special technique has Ain slash and stab into the opponent so hard the sword shatters as he hits, bypassing any physical defense from the sheer impact.

Materia: Ain is skilled in the use of Materia, and a high powered magic user at that. He uses the Hell versions of the Elemental Materia, and his most powerful one is Flare.

Limit Break: Tetracys Grammaton: When Ain is near dead, he can unleash his Limit Break, starting by a throw of all his secondary swords to paralyse the limbs, and followed by a flurry of attacks with his other swords, a volley of stabs with the Rapier, an uppercut slash with the SOLDIER sword, a long range slash with the Katana and following up with a leaping downwards slash with the Two-Handed sword, for a total of ten specially placed hits, forming the tree of sephiroth.


Heaven's Cloud: Two-handed sword of notable power.
Fleur De Lys: Rapier, high quality blade.
Murasame: Katana, replica of the Masamune.
SOLDIER Sword: Bastard sword, high quality but mass produced.
Secondary Swords: A tanto blade in his boot, an assassin's blade in his sleeve, a wakizashi on his back and a short sword at his side.


Obsessions: Ain is obsessed with the return of JENOVA and Sephiroth's goals, to the point of devoting a religion to it. Questioning this will make him very upset.
Crybaby: If brought to his attention how actually pathetic he is, he WILL break down and cry. However, one has to defeat him or crush his hopes for JENOVA, first. He's more likely to give up than take revenge.
Hero Worship: In a very negative way, Ain is obsessed with defeating Deepground soldiers, Cloud Strife, Genesis and Angeal.