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{{Infobox Character
{{Infobox Character
|name=Jacqueline Egret
|name=Jacqueline Egret
|image=[[File:JackalFatigues.png|240px|center|Jackal in MSF fatigues at the end of a workout.]]
|image=[[File:JackalFatigues.png|240px|Jackal in MSF fatigues at the end of a workout.]]
|aka=Major, Major Egret, Jackal
|aka=Major, Major Egret, Jackal
|japaneseva=Sayaka Ohara
|relatives="Dingo" Egret (father)<br>Ken Marineris Egret (mother)
|relatives="Dingo" Egret (father)<br>Ken Marineris Egret (mother)
|series=Zone of the Enders
|series=Zone of the Enders
|player=Paul (Exacerangutan)
|player=Paul (Exacerangutan)
*Name: Jacqueline Egret
*Name: Jacqueline Egret
*Age: 24
*Age: 25
*Sex: Female
*Sex: Female
*Birthdate (Martian Calendar): 9/37/2
*Birthdate (Martian Calendar): 9/37/2
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**Joined: Feb. 10th 2012 (2200 in her time)
**Joined: Feb. 10th 2012 (2200 in her time)
**Missions: 17 (6 B, 10 C, 1 D)
**Missions: 22 (8 B, 13 C, 1 D)
**Income: 11M¥ ($110k) and some cake
**Income: 14.5M¥ ($145k) and some cake
== Appearance ==
== Appearance ==
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== Background ==
== Background ==
[[File:YoungJackal.jpg|240px|thumb|right|Jackal at age 11 when she began learning to pilot.]]
[[File:People-think-im-shy.jpg|240px|thumb|right|Jackal in elementary school.]]
[[File:YoungJackal.jpg|240px|thumb|left|Jackal at age 11 when she began learning to pilot.]]
Jacqueline was born three years after her father’s victory against Colonel Nohman reduced the BAHRAM military machine to scattered Antiterrestrial Radicals.  Her father was made the first Marshal of the Martian Space Force (MSF) and founded the first MSF Officers’ Academy near Olympus Mons.  Jacqueline grew up surrounded by military families and events, both her parents lauded as the foremost heroes of the Martian War of Independence, and easily became a kind of military fangirl; she studied military history from a young age, and the determination and pride of the officers who became her fathers’ friends impressed her deeply.  She was determined by age ten to become a military officer and a Runner like her parents had done--in no small part out of the fiercely competitive relationship between her father and herself.  Within the next year, her parents gave in, and her father began her training.
Jacqueline was born three years after her father’s victory against Colonel Nohman reduced the BAHRAM military machine to scattered Antiterrestrial Radicals.  Her father was made the first Marshal of the Martian Space Force (MSF) and founded the first MSF Officers’ Academy near Olympus Mons.  Jacqueline grew up surrounded by military families and events, both her parents lauded as the foremost heroes of the Martian War of Independence, and easily became a kind of military fangirl; she studied military history from a young age, and the determination and pride of the officers who became her fathers’ friends impressed her deeply.  She was determined by age ten to become a military officer and a Runner like her parents had done--in no small part out of the fiercely competitive relationship between her father and herself.  Within the next year, her parents gave in, and her father began her training.
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**Military: Excellent (+4)
**Military: Excellent (+4)
**Civilian: Novice (+1)
**Civilian: Novice (+1)
*Subterfuge: Very Good (+3)
**Mars: Good (+2)
**Organized Crime: Excellent (+4)
Line 99: Line 102:
Other Skills:
Other Skills:
*Disguise: +2
**Orbital Frame: Amazing (+5+2)
**Orbital Frame: Amazing (+5+2)

Latest revision as of 15:16, 27 October 2013

Jacqueline Egret
Jackal in MSF fatigues at the end of a workout.
A.K.A. Major, Major Egret, Jackal
Age 25
Voice Actor Sayaka Ohara
Relatives "Dingo" Egret (father)
Ken Marineris Egret (mother)
Series Zone of the Enders
Player Paul (Exacerangutan)
  • Name: Jacqueline Egret
  • Age: 25
  • Sex: Female
  • Birthdate (Martian Calendar): 9/37/2
  • Birthdate (Terrestrial Calendar): 4/7/2177
  • Parents: "Dingo" Egret and Ken Marineris Egret
    • Place of Birth: Valles Marineris, Mars
    • Nationality: Martian
    • Specialty: Frame Running (1st MOS) and Small-Group Special Operations (2nd MOS is Sniper)
    • Hobbies: Hobbies are for people who don't work enough
    • Likes: Military achievements, piloting, good soldiers
    • Dislikes: Dealing with civilians, slackers, "white knight" romantics
    • Favorite Food: Martian Armed Forces rations
    • Least Favorite Food: Pretentious gourmet nonsense with tiny portions and drizzles and garnishes and things put into piles for no damn reason
    • Favorite Music: The Martian National Anthem, and anything suitable for getting pumped up for battle
    • Favorite Sport: Mock combat training scenarios
    • Most Valuable Possessions: Wolverine, her LEV (which is back on Mars)
    • Level of Education: Martian Space Force Officers' Academy graduate
    • Seiyuu/Voice Actor:
  • Physical Stats
    • Height: 5'10"
    • Weight: 160lbs
    • Eyes: Aquamarine
    • Hair: Bright red, cropped short
  • PARADIGM Record:
    • Joined: Feb. 10th 2012 (2200 in her time)
    • Missions: 22 (8 B, 13 C, 1 D)
    • Income: 14.5M¥ ($145k) and some cake


Jacqueline takes after her mother a lot--curvy, but in exceptionally good athletic condition, with bright fiery red hair--although she's somewhat more dusky-skinned like her father, and has his bright blue eyes. She wears her hair cropped short to keep it out of her eyes, however. She typically wears a MSF garrison uniform (often in red-camo print, although it's available in other patterns) over light standard-issue body armor; under that, she usually wears sports bras to keep her chest under control and minimize its obviousness.


Jacqueline is a true soldier, through and through: she has a streak of Patton in her, in that she was clearly made to be a soldier, and she excels at it. However, she has some difficulty in less regimented and professional situations; as a child, she preferred socializing with top brass over playing games with children, and even when she was among peers, she tried to emulate the behavior the thought of as soldierly. As a result, she is rather awkward and uncomfortable in typical civilian social situations, and generally tries to stick to a professional footing where the rules are clear, and things like hopes and dreams and squishy feelings aren't involved.

Few things infuriate and revolt her more than bad leadership and sexism--the latter even including being hit on, especially by fellow soldiers. She believes sincerely that romantic involvement makes men try to act like heroes, which is the best way to get oneself and one's team killed, and would sooner ground a good pilot or transfer him to another unit. Secretly, she also has a deeply buried sense of insecurity in romance, and especially with her indoctrination by military officers, rejects all the weak, helpless images socially attached to women; she and sees no strong and self-respecting traditional female sexual rolls. She deeply resents the tendency for traditionally "feminine" behavior (yielding, giggling, emotionality, etc) to resemble child-like behavior, and tends to reject all "feminine" behavior as being suitable only for secretaries and mistresses.

She allows only very few people to call her Jacqueline, and gets really pissed off at people who call her "Jackie," so her father does on a regular basis.


Jackal in elementary school.
Jackal at age 11 when she began learning to pilot.

Jacqueline was born three years after her father’s victory against Colonel Nohman reduced the BAHRAM military machine to scattered Antiterrestrial Radicals. Her father was made the first Marshal of the Martian Space Force (MSF) and founded the first MSF Officers’ Academy near Olympus Mons. Jacqueline grew up surrounded by military families and events, both her parents lauded as the foremost heroes of the Martian War of Independence, and easily became a kind of military fangirl; she studied military history from a young age, and the determination and pride of the officers who became her fathers’ friends impressed her deeply. She was determined by age ten to become a military officer and a Runner like her parents had done--in no small part out of the fiercely competitive relationship between her father and herself. Within the next year, her parents gave in, and her father began her training.

However, Dingo pushed her as hard as he could in hopes of convincing her to do something less dangerous--but with encouragement from her idea of military spirit, as well as her mother and some family friends, she persevered. Her father bought a broken-down used LEV, and much to her frustration, the first part of her training was to get it running in good enough order for the local Regional Armored Militia (RAM). All the while, she was required to maintain good grades in school; she spent her free time on the LEV (which she named Wolverine after a small and ugly but ferocious Earth animal) and got it up and running in a matter of months, continuing to customize it afterward with military surplus bought cheap through her father’s connections. By thirteen, her machine had passed the local RAM’s maintenance exam--without telling her father, Jacqueline then took and passed the RAM piloting exams and began badgering the unit commander until he finally acquiesced, allowing her to join a scouting patrol with Dingo's grudging permission. The RAM unit started shortening her name to “Jackal” (she was violently opposed to “Jackie”), partly punning on her father’s name, and the nickname stuck with her.

For three years, she served in the RAM under an honorably discharged Captain; twice, she was involved in very small-scale engagements, once against a small-time Radical cell, and once against LEV-armed burglars. This was on her record when she applied with her parents’ support to the Olympus Mons MSF Academy, and with the combination of the shining recommendations from her RAM unit and top rankings on placement exams, she was allowed into the early entry program. Once in the Academy, she had expected to find some camaraderie--however, she was not only new, but her fantastic success made her unpopular with those whose records she broke, as well as their friends, and her social skills were better suited for dealing with professionals twice her age than fellow cadets. Near the end of her first year, rumors surfaced, first stating that she was given special considerations because of her father (in a way this was true, but ironically so: Dingo had explicitly told the instructors to never go easy on her or cut her any slack at all)--and then, claiming that she had used her looks to win special treatment from instructors. Jacqueline, offended and enraged, was not satisfied with the administration merely denying the rumors; she tracked down the junior-year girl who had started the rumors, and settled the matter herself. She spent a month in cadets’ stockade (allowing only class attendance) on charges of aggravated assault, but was kept company by the knowledge that she had left her marks: a massive black eye and an arm broken in three places. In the next year, she spent a week in cadet’s stockade, and then two weeks--first for decking a fellow cadet who tried to hit on her a little too intensely, and then for breaking his arm four months later, when he tried it again.

Despite these marks on her record, however, Jacqueline (who had officially taken Jackal as her call sign) began to earn the respect of her fellow cadets. She wasn’t always well-liked, but her peers learned to take her seriously in everything, and to expect fairness from her: at all three disciplinary hearings of her cadet career, she had asked specifically to be given the full standard disciplinary punishment, and not to get off lightly due to extenuating circumstances. They also learned to respect her consummate skill, her dedication to study and excellence, and the her fiery spirit in battle which all but paralyzed many other cadets during simulated combat. During off-seasons, she would visit her parents and challenge her father, showing off everything new she had learned, and reveling in the fiercely competitive spirit of their relationship; she would also return to the RAM she had served in, piloting her old LEV more and more skillfully each season.

In her hearings, Jackal had requested that her desire for full standard disciplinary action be noted on her record; this was a strategic maneuver in itself. When she graduated 2nd in her class as a newly commissioned Lieutenant at 20 (skipping Sublieutenant) with a civilian degree in political science and applied to join the Special Operations branch of the MSF (MSFSOD), her record showed that she believed in taking personally risky actions to solve problems, but that responsibility for those choices was a top priority for her. For that, her otherwise superb record, and her outstanding grades, they gladly accepted her, and she underwent months of elite training including covert insertion, unarmed and improvised personal combat, marksmanship, civilian vehicle piloting, and heavy physical conditioning.

Within a year in her MSFSOD unit, she distinguished herself in several ground-side operations against Radical cells, and earned an astonishingly fast promotion to Captain. Eager to find a more demanding posting, she transferred to pirate-hunting in the Belt (which Earth had relegated to Mars after the establishment of Martian independence), where she led an extremely successful Orbital Frame strike force against some of the top rated Belt pirates in operation. A year and a half after her transfer, she was promoted to Major and given a customized Mustang-class fast attack Orbital Frame, legendary even among belt Runners for its finicky controls and overwhelming motive power. Jackal’s reputation was only improved by her mastery of the MSF’s most difficult to control machine. In her three years as an officer, she accepted only the mandatory leave (required by the military medical bureau), and during that time, returned to civilian service in her local RAM.

In the midst of her soaring career, PARADIGM established contact with the Martian government, and requested personnel able to perform clandestine paramilitary operations. Since spearheading covert operations is typically MSFSOD territory, the government requested recommendations for one operative to send, and picked the field officer with the combination of the best record, highest security clearance, and most unimpeachable record of loyalty to Mars both to act as a Martian-contributed agent of PARADIGM and to investigate the organization and submit her own report on its operations, in order to verify PARADIGM's own claims.


(These include all learned skills, as well as a relative rating from Abyssmal to Amazing. The character's level of mastery in something that can be taught or at least rated by other people follows the scale: Abyssmal, Novice, Good, Very Good, Incredible, Amazing)

YOU DO NOT HAVE TO PUT A RANK FOR -EVERY- SKILL. Just fill out the stuff you think your character would have! Feel free to add other skills that you think your character should be noted for. (Ex: Speaking French)

Physical Skills:

  • Alertness: Very Good (+3)
  • Athletics: Excellent (+4)
  • Stealth: Excellent (+4)

Social Skills:

  • Intimidation: Very Good (+3)
  • Leadership: Very Good (+3)
  • Etiquette:
    • Military: Excellent (+4)
    • Civilian: Novice (+1)
  • Subterfuge: Very Good (+3)
  • Streetwise:
    • Mars: Good (+2)
    • Organized Crime: Excellent (+4)

Mental Skills:

  • Computers: Excellent (this is after learning more about 21st-century architecture and network protocols) (+4)
  • Investigation: Good (+2)
  • Medicine (field medicine): Excellent (+4)
  • Law: Good (+2)
  • Politics: Good (+2)
  • Science: Good (+2)
  • Technician: Very Good (+3)

Other Skills:

  • Disguise: +2
  • Driving/Piloting:
    • Orbital Frame: Amazing (+5+2)
    • Spacecraft: Very Good (+3)
    • Surface Vehicle: Very Good (+3)
  • Survival: Very Good (+3)
  • Demolitions: Excellent (+4)
  • Navigation: Very Good (+3)
  • History:
    • Earth: Good (+2)
    • Mars: Very Good (+3)
    • Military: Very Good (+3)
  • Languages:
    • English
    • Japanese (in the future everyone speaks Japanese, because anime)

Special Abilities

(These are skills, things that can be learned or trained, like martial arts techniques, Jutsu or magic spells. Abilities that are outside the norm of regular humans, but only because they have not had access to them.)
No special techniques, although Jacqueline's combat training includes a range of firearms, as well as unarmed combat, knives, and improvised weapons (e.g. the many ways you can kill someone with a belt or tie). Since her secondary MOS (military occupational specialty) is Sniper, she is necessarily a top-level sharpshooter with rifles and is experienced with combat shotguns and handguns from numerous breaching operations. She also holds the highest non-instructor rank in the Martian Armed Forces martial arts program.

Powers & Merits

(Unique, or hereditary, in-born powers, whether due to genetics or magic, things that can't be taught to others or simply gifted to this person from an outside force. Powers based on weapons should go in the Items. Merits can also go here.)
Jacqueline is a normal, if unusual, human being.


Code of Honor, Military Professionalism (1): Jacqueline believes those taking on the responsibility of military/paramilitary action (herself included) must uphold a certain code of responsible professional behavior. (A) Protect civilians at all costs; civilians can be allowed to come to harm only if necessary to avoid even greater harm to civilians. (B) Accept any legal order; objections should be made by the proper channels, not by throwing a tantrum or deserting. (C) Take responsibility for your actions. (D) Cooperate with and protect your teammates.
Crack Driver, Mecha (1): Jacqueline has a fantastic gift for piloting combat mecha such as LEVs and Orbital Frames. This probably won't come up, but if it does, she has a +2 on Driving rolls.
Iron Will (5): Between the natural spiritedness inherited from her mother, the stubbornness from her father, and the years of butting heads with him in order to get what she wanted, Jacqueline has developed a formidable ability to set her mind on something and barrel through whatever gets in the way. As a result, not only can she shrug off self-doubt and other normal problems, but she also gains a +3 bonus to resist mind-control.

Unique Items

(Madougu, magical weapons or other unique or special weapons, as well as all techniques related to them, as without it technically the character is NOT able to use these abilities.)
Jacqueline has no totally unique possessions, other than her hacked-together LEV which is back home on Mars anyway.

Items Of Note

MS90 "Deimos" 12mm: The Deimos 12mm is a high-caliber automatic machinepistol chambering caseless 12mmx25mm rounds, holding 15 in an extended magazine.
MS92 "H-CAW" 15mm: Short for Heavy Combat Assault Weapon. The H-CAW 15mm is an assault rifle chambering caseless 15mmx40mm self-oxidizing rounds (able to fire underwater or in vacuum), holding 65 per magazine. An underbarrel grenade launcher can attach to this, as well, firing an array of grenades including smoke, fragmentation, concussion, and incendiary.
ME93 "Valkyrie" VALKR-E 50kW: Short for "Variable Active-Lens Kalliggite Rifle, class E," the Valkyrie is a high-power laser sniper rifle. The laser’s frequency can be adjusted (Variable) by using electrical currents to modulate the structure of the synthetic crystal resonator (Kalliggite, named from Greek for "shining" or "beautiful" for its unique photoelectric properties). The aperture adjusts to modulate focal point distance according to the user’s controls (Active-Lens), and the frequency range includes infrared (class A), red (class B), blue-green (class C), near ultraviolet (class D), and mid-ultraviolet (class E).
MM81 Field Knife: High-tech alloy combat knife.
MA89A94 Light Under-Dress Armor: Designed to be worn underneath clothing as concealable armor, LUDA is made three layers of "PBCM," a tough carbonate mesh within various polymer layers is flexible and form-fitting, but exceptionally impact absorbent for its flexibility. LUDA is highly resistant to heat and cold, electricity, radiation, puncture, and laceration. It will stop most small arms bullets very well, including basic 20th century AP rounds, although they’ll still cause nasty, nasty bruises, and very high-power rounds are just too much for the armor to stop.
MA76C97 Combat Body Armor System: Designed for infantry assault roles, CBAS is basically heavier LUDA using seven layers of PBCM instead of three, and adding "MARCAM" reactive armor plates to the torso and boots, and in sections along the long bones of the arms and legs. The suit seals air-tight to a "MARCAM" and impact-ceramic helmet which includes a small tactical computer that handles the helmet HUD (showing status of linked weapons and vehicles, linking video from a rifle's scope for corner scouting, tracking allies, mission records, etc) and communications link. The visor autodarkens very fast in high intensity light to protect against flash-blinding.
Survival Kit: Includes things like a radio, a vapor-capture canteen, and a high-tech field medicine kit with some advanced first-aid drugs and so on.
Hacking Kit: A set of computer hardware gaining access to computer networks. This includes a small laptop-sized computer, as well as gear for splicing into various types of network cabling, although this may need to be altered to comply with 21st century standards.
She can bring in other gear, as well, but this would require a special requisition and probably at least a day or two for delivery (aka op approval).

Weaknesses & Flaws

Flaws can go here. Balance is key! Jacqueline has no special weaknesses other than her social difficulties and not being from 21th century Earth, although her patriotism (and distaste for Earth) might annoy some people.


Intolerance, Civilians in Military Roles (1): She's fine with civilians doing their thing as civilians, but has very little patience for people who take on military roles and don't display proper Military Professionalism and for people who put them there.
Disturbing Mannerism, Poor Civilian Social Skills (2): Although familiar with civilian life, Jacqueline has never had much to do with it, and has never really wanted much to do with it. As a result, she often comes off as being antisocial or worse; she gets GM-set penalties on Social rolls involving civilian life type situations like snazzy parties and trying to blend in with hip crowds, or where she's expected to act "feminine."
Isolated Upbringing (1): While Jacqueline is familiar with Earth history from books, she really isn't that familiar with actual contemporary social interaction on Earth, in no small part because she doesn't actually like Earth very much. As a result, she gets a -1 penalty on Social rolls for dealing with normal Earth natives or trying to pass herself off as belonging on Earth.

NPC(s) to go with char
