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{{Infobox Character
{{Infobox Character
|name=Astrid Blomgren
|name=Astrid Blomgren  
|image= [[File:VAstrid.jpg|500px]]
|aka= The Azure Rose
|aka=The Azure Rose  
|age= 20
|age= 20
|series= CastleVania
|series= CastleVania
|player= Jade`
|player= Jade`
*Name: Astrid Blomgren
*Name: Astrid Blomgren  
*Age: 20
*Age: 20
*Sex: female
*Sex: Female
*Likes: Singing, shiny things
*Birthday: September 7th
*Dislikes: Anything her Lord wishs her to dislike
Physical Stats<br>
**Place of Birth: Gothenburg Swedin
*Height: 6'0"
**Nationality: Swedish
*Weight: 140
**Specialty: SubWeapon Mastery, Hunter
*Eyes: Blue
**Hobbies: Stealing things, singing
*Hair: Gray
**Likes: Singing, shiny things  
**Dislikes: People who get in her way. Demons.
**Favorite Food: Pasta of any kind
**Least Favorite Food: bitter chocolate.
**Favorite Music: Classical
**Favorite Sport: Fencing
**Most Valuable Possessions: Blomgren Family Rapier
**Level of Education: high school
**Seiyuu/Voice Actor:  
*Physical Stats
''Her hair has lost it's color even though she is still so young, the same with her skin tone, it has become pale and pasty, her eyes hold little light in them anymore as she appears rather dazed and out of it.''<br>
**Height: 6'00
[[File:Astrid2.jpg|150px|right|thumb| Astrid about to use Knife Sub-Weapon]]
**Weight: 140 lb
**Eyes: Blue
**Hair: Grey
== Appearance ==
''Crazed, liked to sing''<br>
Her hair has lost it's color even though she is still so young, her eyes hold The flicker of recognition in them, though there are times she appears rather dazed and out of it. Recently she has been reverting to her old self, her craziness toning down.
== SKILLS ==
== Personality ==
Weapons Lore:(Castlevania): Amazing<br>
Cold, calm and blunt at times.
Occult: Very Good<br>
== Background ==
(Sub Weapons): Oddly, she can use various sub weapons not unlike the hunter clans out there, she particularly favors the knives.<br>
Daughter of a holy warrior turned priest, Astrid was raised to be turned into a woman of the cloth and possibly a Hunter. Though the reasons behind this may not have been as pure as some of the other hunting families. For years. the Blomgrens have been excorists, priests and templars, hunting all manner of dark monsters. In there past, Her bloodline is possibly responsible for the creation of the Forgotten One, Which may explain the power he held over her. This all started when her father decided to try and sacrifice her to a demon of knowledge, hoping to learn of a way to break The Forgotten One free of his prison. They had failed to of the ritual properly. Mad with insanity Astrid would break free of her bonds and slaughter all that were apart of the summoning. Her mind and will broken, The Forgotten One did not see this as a complete loss. She could be easily swayed in her insanity. After the encounters and her eventual capture by PARADIGM, her mind has recovered quite a bit, and now is no longer under the sway of The Forgotten One's Whims. Her mind how ever is still damaged, not allowing her to think clearly or with common sense all the time. She is recovering though and quickly...
[Knife] : a divine throwing knife that seems to appear out of thin air.
[Holy Water]: A bottle of holy water that bursts into sacred flames!
[Stop watch]: Stops time for a very very short period.
(Unleash the Hidden Potential): Weapons in the hands of Astrid, because of her holy bloodline, will awaken and allow her access to various abilities through the weapon.
(Dark Charisma): This power allows her to gather the loyality of some monsters, demons and similiar creatures.
Astrid would later be picked up by Inspiratio. Much of her involvement with them remains a mystery but she has been reported to have been encounter several times among there ranks. With her sanity slowly recovering over her time spent there, Astrid ends up staying with the group for personal reasons. She says it is because Odio was providing her with a means to locate and deal with The Forgotten One, as he was perceived as a possible annoyance for the group. With the eventual sealing of the demon, Astrid would soon 'retire' from the group. Offering to spend her last days safe guarding the Tomes of The Forgotten....As fate would have it she would be allowed little respite from the monsters of the dark.
== Skills ==
''Text Goes Here - Special Weapons, gear or notable paraphenelia only, please.''<br>
'''Physical Skills''':
''None Discovered Yet''<br>
*Alertness Novice
*Athletics Very good
*Stealth Very good
'''Social Skills''':
*Subterfuge Very good
*Intimidation Very good
*Expression: Novice
*Performance Very good
'''Mental Skills''':
*Medicine: very good.
*Occult: Very Good
*Weapons Lore:(Castlevania): Incredible
*Swedish: Incredible
*Latin: Good
*German: very good
*English: Incredible
*Japanese: Good
*Romanian: Very good
'''Other Skills''':
*Survival: novice
*Empathy: Very good
== Special Abilities ==
'''Unleashed Abilties''':
**'''Blomgren Family Sword'''
*'''Miracula Curationum Undae'''(Miracle Healing Wave): Arcane healing energies that are locked away with in the sword can be used to help others, by sending out a pulse of regenerative magic to all nearby allies.
*'''Mille Vita Fulgur'''(Grand Life Spark):  Unlike the mild healing Undae provides, Fulgur can provide a decent boost of healing from pointing the strange Arcane lightning that cackles on the sword at some one, making it arc onto them.
'''Sub Weapons''': Oddly, she can use various sub weapons not unlike the hunter clans out there, she particularly favors the knives.<br>
*'''Knife''': a divine throwing knife that seems to appear out of thin air.
*'''Azure Rose''': A slightly powerful version of the sub-weapon Knife. Made of silver and blue crystal, This weapon is vampiric by nature, She can use these to heal others by draining vitality from a living entity and giving it to another or even herself. But, if the crystal is shattered the vitality is restored to the foe it was taken from. A single rose while painful only drains a little health, making this an excellent weapon to subdue foes with.
*'''Gold Knife''': Much like the Knife Sub Weapon, But! releases an explosive pulse with it makes contact. (Lost to David Morris)
*'''Holy Water''': A bottle of holy water that bursts into sacred flames!
*'''Stop Watch''': Stops time for a very very short period.
*'''Discus''':(also called Death Saucer) is a circular bladed weapon that are used by Disc Armors. They are usually attached to a string, thrown out, and roll on a surface. They can be returned like a Yo-Yo or released.
'''Item Crash''':Also known as "Super attack", unleash the hidden power of a Sub-Weapon.
*'''Thousand Edge''':is a powerful attack involving the throwing of many daggers extremely rapidly. It first appeared as an item crush for Richter Belmont for the Dagger sub weapon.
*'''Divine Storm''':Divine Storm (also called Hydro Storm or Hydro Typhoon) is a massive area attack that involves Holy Water raining down on the general area for about 10 seconds.
*'''Azure Bouquet''':A dangerous Item Crash, a Whirlwind of crystal petals swirl around her slashing at any foes near by, while the small cuts themselves to little damage, the real threat is that each piece that connects drains life force from the target and transfers it to Astrid for her use, either on herself or another. As a side note, this attack as NO silver in it.
== Powers & Merits ==
Time Sense (1): You have an inate sense of time, and can with a good deal of accuracy tell what time it is without a watch. In performing feats where timing may be essential (such as certain combat or athletic maneuvers), difficulties may be lowered or dropped.
Ambidextrous (2): You are equally dextrous, or nearly so, with both hands, and use your "off" hand at no penalty. Not useful if your GM isn't the nitpicky sort who doesn't give a shit about off-hand penalties and such...). Using both hands at once is still not so easy. Note, again, this Merit should be for people who use regular abilities. Someone trained in two-sword styles or guns akimbo shouldn't have to worry about this, but having to write with your off hand tends to be a PITA, so this can come in handy.
Burning Aura (2): Is the daughter of a priest, while a tainted one, she still has a Holy Aura. Your aura is unusually brilliant; even people who can't read auras will be inexplicably drawn to you. Some may see you as a threat or a snack.
Graceful (2): You are extremely agile and delicate in your movements. +1 Bonus on all Athletics rolls.
Luck (3): You manage to succeed in places when others fail. You can repeat three failed rolls per MISSION, one repeat per roll, and the second roll always stands.
(Unleash the Hidden Potential): Weapons in the hands of Astrid, because of her holy bloodline, will awaken and allow her access to various abilities through the weapon. An example of this is Item Crash.
== Unique Items ==
Blomgren Family Sword: A sturdy rapier passed down from generation to generation in Astrid's family, magically enhanced to be stronger then most standard swords in it's class. It is quite light weight as well. This weapon has hidden abilities.
== Items Of Note ==
'''Tomes Of The Forgotten.''':(1 Of 6) One of the several tomes that hold part of the monster known as The Forgotten One. Heavily warded, both physically and arcanely. To release the demon from his new prison one must collect all 6 books.
== Weaknesses & Flaws ==
Group Enmity (2): Well she is from a hunter family, the fact that the most recent members of her bloodline, including herself for a time sided with the forces of the unnatural. Some group amongst your kind, i.e. another clan/tribe/tradition/whatever, doesn't like you and may prevent you going places you might otherwise go or may otherwise give you hell in a variety of ways.
Otherworldly Taint (2): Hair and skin color are drained due to the ritual performed on her. You have a physical peculiarity (odd hair/eye color, glowing eyes, etc.) and/or just an odd aura about you which may make you stick out. Someone who suspects you're not "normal" may make an Alertness roll, difficulty 7, to determine what you are. (Permanent)
Hero Worship (1): (David Morris and Maggie): They could have very well just leave her to rot in a cell or even ended her live, but they didn't they in fact spared her and freed her mind of the Forgotten One, Cause of this, it is hard for Astrid to turn her blades on them) You idolize absolutely idolize someone, and disobeying them requires an effort of will . You also are at -2 penalty to any roll that may force you to admit/realize that your hero may be in the wrong... if the GM feels you should roll for this.
== NPC(s) to go with char ==
Text goes here
File:AstridBlomgren3.png|Astrid Paladin Outfit
File:Alternate Astrid.jpg|Alternate Outfit
File:AstridWinter.jpg|Winter Casual
File:Winter Gear.png|Astrid's Winter Gear
File:Casual Astrid.jpg|Casual Outfit
File:Astrid2.jpg|Astrid about to use Azure Bouquet
File:AstridBlomgren1.jpg|The Forgotten One's Loyal Dog
File:Astrid Rapier.jpg| Blomgren Family Sword
File:Azure Rose Sub Weapon.jpg| The Azure Rose Sub-Weapon
[[Category: Non-Player Characters]] [[Category: Jade's Characters]]

Latest revision as of 03:23, 26 July 2013

Astrid Blomgren
A.K.A. The Azure Rose
Age 20
Voice Actor
Series CastleVania
Player Jade`
  • Name: Astrid Blomgren
  • Age: 20
  • Sex: Female
  • Birthday: September 7th
  • Parents:
    • Place of Birth: Gothenburg Swedin
    • Nationality: Swedish
    • Specialty: SubWeapon Mastery, Hunter
    • Hobbies: Stealing things, singing
    • Likes: Singing, shiny things
    • Dislikes: People who get in her way. Demons.
    • Favorite Food: Pasta of any kind
    • Least Favorite Food: bitter chocolate.
    • Favorite Music: Classical
    • Favorite Sport: Fencing
    • Most Valuable Possessions: Blomgren Family Rapier
    • Level of Education: high school
    • Seiyuu/Voice Actor:
  • Physical Stats
    • Height: 6'00
    • Weight: 140 lb
    • Eyes: Blue
    • Hair: Grey
    • Special:


Her hair has lost it's color even though she is still so young, her eyes hold The flicker of recognition in them, though there are times she appears rather dazed and out of it. Recently she has been reverting to her old self, her craziness toning down.


Cold, calm and blunt at times.


Daughter of a holy warrior turned priest, Astrid was raised to be turned into a woman of the cloth and possibly a Hunter. Though the reasons behind this may not have been as pure as some of the other hunting families. For years. the Blomgrens have been excorists, priests and templars, hunting all manner of dark monsters. In there past, Her bloodline is possibly responsible for the creation of the Forgotten One, Which may explain the power he held over her. This all started when her father decided to try and sacrifice her to a demon of knowledge, hoping to learn of a way to break The Forgotten One free of his prison. They had failed to of the ritual properly. Mad with insanity Astrid would break free of her bonds and slaughter all that were apart of the summoning. Her mind and will broken, The Forgotten One did not see this as a complete loss. She could be easily swayed in her insanity. After the encounters and her eventual capture by PARADIGM, her mind has recovered quite a bit, and now is no longer under the sway of The Forgotten One's Whims. Her mind how ever is still damaged, not allowing her to think clearly or with common sense all the time. She is recovering though and quickly...

Astrid would later be picked up by Inspiratio. Much of her involvement with them remains a mystery but she has been reported to have been encounter several times among there ranks. With her sanity slowly recovering over her time spent there, Astrid ends up staying with the group for personal reasons. She says it is because Odio was providing her with a means to locate and deal with The Forgotten One, as he was perceived as a possible annoyance for the group. With the eventual sealing of the demon, Astrid would soon 'retire' from the group. Offering to spend her last days safe guarding the Tomes of The Forgotten....As fate would have it she would be allowed little respite from the monsters of the dark.


Physical Skills:

  • Alertness Novice
  • Athletics Very good
  • Stealth Very good

Social Skills:

  • Subterfuge Very good
  • Intimidation Very good
  • Expression: Novice
  • Performance Very good

Mental Skills:

  • Medicine: very good.
  • Occult: Very Good
  • Weapons Lore:(Castlevania): Incredible
  • Swedish: Incredible
  • Latin: Good
  • German: very good
  • English: Incredible
  • Japanese: Good
  • Romanian: Very good

Other Skills:

  • Survival: novice
  • Empathy: Very good

Special Abilities

Unleashed Abilties:

    • Blomgren Family Sword
  • Miracula Curationum Undae(Miracle Healing Wave): Arcane healing energies that are locked away with in the sword can be used to help others, by sending out a pulse of regenerative magic to all nearby allies.
  • Mille Vita Fulgur(Grand Life Spark): Unlike the mild healing Undae provides, Fulgur can provide a decent boost of healing from pointing the strange Arcane lightning that cackles on the sword at some one, making it arc onto them.

Sub Weapons: Oddly, she can use various sub weapons not unlike the hunter clans out there, she particularly favors the knives.

  • Knife: a divine throwing knife that seems to appear out of thin air.
  • Azure Rose: A slightly powerful version of the sub-weapon Knife. Made of silver and blue crystal, This weapon is vampiric by nature, She can use these to heal others by draining vitality from a living entity and giving it to another or even herself. But, if the crystal is shattered the vitality is restored to the foe it was taken from. A single rose while painful only drains a little health, making this an excellent weapon to subdue foes with.
  • Gold Knife: Much like the Knife Sub Weapon, But! releases an explosive pulse with it makes contact. (Lost to David Morris)
  • Holy Water: A bottle of holy water that bursts into sacred flames!
  • Stop Watch: Stops time for a very very short period.
  • Discus:(also called Death Saucer) is a circular bladed weapon that are used by Disc Armors. They are usually attached to a string, thrown out, and roll on a surface. They can be returned like a Yo-Yo or released.

Item Crash:Also known as "Super attack", unleash the hidden power of a Sub-Weapon.

  • Thousand Edge:is a powerful attack involving the throwing of many daggers extremely rapidly. It first appeared as an item crush for Richter Belmont for the Dagger sub weapon.
  • Divine Storm:Divine Storm (also called Hydro Storm or Hydro Typhoon) is a massive area attack that involves Holy Water raining down on the general area for about 10 seconds.
  • Azure Bouquet:A dangerous Item Crash, a Whirlwind of crystal petals swirl around her slashing at any foes near by, while the small cuts themselves to little damage, the real threat is that each piece that connects drains life force from the target and transfers it to Astrid for her use, either on herself or another. As a side note, this attack as NO silver in it.

Powers & Merits

Time Sense (1): You have an inate sense of time, and can with a good deal of accuracy tell what time it is without a watch. In performing feats where timing may be essential (such as certain combat or athletic maneuvers), difficulties may be lowered or dropped.

Ambidextrous (2): You are equally dextrous, or nearly so, with both hands, and use your "off" hand at no penalty. Not useful if your GM isn't the nitpicky sort who doesn't give a shit about off-hand penalties and such...). Using both hands at once is still not so easy. Note, again, this Merit should be for people who use regular abilities. Someone trained in two-sword styles or guns akimbo shouldn't have to worry about this, but having to write with your off hand tends to be a PITA, so this can come in handy.

Burning Aura (2): Is the daughter of a priest, while a tainted one, she still has a Holy Aura. Your aura is unusually brilliant; even people who can't read auras will be inexplicably drawn to you. Some may see you as a threat or a snack.

Graceful (2): You are extremely agile and delicate in your movements. +1 Bonus on all Athletics rolls.

Luck (3): You manage to succeed in places when others fail. You can repeat three failed rolls per MISSION, one repeat per roll, and the second roll always stands.

(Unleash the Hidden Potential): Weapons in the hands of Astrid, because of her holy bloodline, will awaken and allow her access to various abilities through the weapon. An example of this is Item Crash.

Unique Items

Blomgren Family Sword: A sturdy rapier passed down from generation to generation in Astrid's family, magically enhanced to be stronger then most standard swords in it's class. It is quite light weight as well. This weapon has hidden abilities.

Items Of Note

Tomes Of The Forgotten.:(1 Of 6) One of the several tomes that hold part of the monster known as The Forgotten One. Heavily warded, both physically and arcanely. To release the demon from his new prison one must collect all 6 books.

Weaknesses & Flaws

Group Enmity (2): Well she is from a hunter family, the fact that the most recent members of her bloodline, including herself for a time sided with the forces of the unnatural. Some group amongst your kind, i.e. another clan/tribe/tradition/whatever, doesn't like you and may prevent you going places you might otherwise go or may otherwise give you hell in a variety of ways.

Otherworldly Taint (2): Hair and skin color are drained due to the ritual performed on her. You have a physical peculiarity (odd hair/eye color, glowing eyes, etc.) and/or just an odd aura about you which may make you stick out. Someone who suspects you're not "normal" may make an Alertness roll, difficulty 7, to determine what you are. (Permanent)

Hero Worship (1): (David Morris and Maggie): They could have very well just leave her to rot in a cell or even ended her live, but they didn't they in fact spared her and freed her mind of the Forgotten One, Cause of this, it is hard for Astrid to turn her blades on them) You idolize absolutely idolize someone, and disobeying them requires an effort of will . You also are at -2 penalty to any roll that may force you to admit/realize that your hero may be in the wrong... if the GM feels you should roll for this.

NPC(s) to go with char

Text goes here
