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{{Infobox Character
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|image=[[File:Hitomi-glove.jpg|center|350px|Hitomi Unmasked and wearing her Ninja outfit.]]
|image=[[File:Hitomi-glove.jpg|Hitomi Unmasked and wearing her Ninja outfit.]]
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Revision as of 08:22, 21 October 2010

Hitomi Uzumaki
Hitomi Unmasked and wearing her Ninja outfit.
A.K.A. Darth Vader
Age 19
Voice Actor Yamazaki Wakana
Relatives Uzumaki Naruto - Father
Uzumaki Hinata - Mother
Uzumaki Kasumi - Sister
Uzumaki Yotsuki - brother
Uzumaki Kawako - Sister
Series Naruto
Player Cinnie aka Gubaba
  • Name: Hitomi Uzumaki
  • Age: 19
  • Sex: Female
  • Birthday: March 18th
  • Parents: Uzumaki Naruto and Hyuuga Hinata
    • Place of Birth: Hidden Leaf Village
    • Nationality: Narutoian I dunno
    • Specialty: Ninjutsu
    • Hobbies: Reading, Practicing, Training, Embroidering
    • Likes: Things to do, and being better than Rikimaru
    • Dislikes: Nothing to do, failing to Rikimaru
    • Favorite Food: Udon and Eel Teriyaki
    • Least Favorite Food: Beets
    • Favorite Music: J-Rock!! LIKE GACKT HAHAHAHAHAA
    • Favorite Sport: Wifflebatting
    • Most Valuable Possessions: Konoha Headband
    • Level of Education: Jounin / Hunter-nin
    • Seiyuu/Voice Actor: Yamazaki Wakana
  • Physical Stats
    • Height: 5'6
    • Weight: 130 lbs
    • Eyes: white-ish grey.. looks like she's almost got no eyes.. sorta freaky^^; she usually keeps them closed like Naruto DOES..but more of a Rezo-style typed closed.
    • Hair: Blond
    • Special: a single stripe on each cheek like Naruto has..well he has 2 SHE JUST HAS ONE


athletic yet somewhat pretty young lady..arghh I'll just draw a damn PICTURE.


Cold and somewhat distant with a hit of a mischievous streak, Hitomi is a serious person when it comes to work, but when it's free time she likes to enjoy herself and let loose. Of course never as much as she would in her younger days (like painting the Hokage monuments and getting in other forms of trouble), She still knows how to have fun when the opportunity arises. Hitomi is also a very competitive girl, especially against her mindset rival Rikimaru. She had heard of the stories of Naruto, her father, and Sasuke, Riki's father, being rivals and stuff.. and in her mind she was sure that she could surpass Riki just as her father Naruto was trying to do to Sasuke.


Hitomi is a NINJAR AAHAHAHHhaha yeah ok well she's the daughter of Uzumaki Naruto and Hyuga Hinata..and because of this she's aquired many interesting abilities..some cool and some not. As a member of the Hyuga bloodline, Hitomi has the ability to use the Byakugan which I will explain in the abilities section. Also because of Naruto, Hitomi has inherited some of the Kyuubi blood and because of this, she has a really weird mischievous streak. It caused her a lot of weirdness and wildness when she was younger but now that she's older and more controlled and stuff, she's able to contain it better. She's trained with Kakashi somewhat as well as with Hinata and Naruto.. from Kakashi she's learned valuable essential jutsu's she would need as a shinobi, Hinata she's learned what she could of the Hyuga clan style and how to harness to abilities of the Byakugan and from Naruto she's learned really wierd crap.

Now letsee..

Hitomi did very well in her ninja training from the academy and going all the way to Genin, Then to Chuunin, and now finally at Jounin level. She takes her work very seriously as she wants to get better and beat MISTER RIKIMARU the sharingan PIMPMASTER. At a young age, Hitomi has seen Rikimaru as a rival and everything that he's done as a stab to her position. He barely tried at anything and was able to do it so well while she worked hard.. it wasn't fair and in her mind she was certain that with enough work and dedication she could beat him. Rikimaru however didn't see it this way. In fact he always treated Hitomi kindly and like he LIKED her but whenever he did this Hitomi just sees it as a way of him trying to make fun of her.

To gain a very lucrative and a very respectful position in the village and ultimately become the best at what she could do (as well as not be bored cuz that sux0rz), Hitomi trained and honed her skills to become an Anbu/Hunter Nin. With her skills in Taijutsu and Genjutsu and stuff, she's done very well as a hunter-nin and earned somewhat of a scary respect among her peers as a shinobi.

Now bored and taking a small break from her missions, Hitomi is allowed to go visit new and different places.. taking a hiatus of sorts. Somehow she's ended up at the Inn.


(These include all learned skills, as well as a relative rating from Abyssmal to Amazing. The character's level of mastery in something that can be taught or at least rated by other people follows the scale: Abyssmal, Novice, Good, Very Good, Incredible, Amazing)

YOU DO NOT HAVE TO PUT A RANK FOR -EVERY- SKILL. Just fill out the stuff you think your character would have! Feel free to add other skills that you think your character should be noted for. (Ex: Speaking French)

Physical Skills:

  • Alertness - Amazing
  • Athletics - Amazing
  • Stealth - Amazing

Social Skills:

  • Subterfuge - Amazing
  • Intimidation - Amazing
  • Leadership - Very Good
  • Expression - Abyssmal
  • Ettiquette - Good
  • Performance - Good

Mental Skills:

  • Computers - Abyssmal

Other Skills:

  • Driving - Abyssmal
  • Survival - Amazing
  • Empathy - Incredible
  • Animal Ken - Very Good

Special Abilities

(These are skills, things that can be learned or trained, like martial arts techniques, Jutsu or magic spells. Abilities that are outside the norm of regular humans, but only because they have not had access to them.)

Hyuga Taijutsu: As part of the Hyuga family bloodline and Hinata's frikkin kid.. Hitomi has studied the UBER TAIJUTSU stuff. The Hyuga have a special TaiJutsu that has been passed down in their Clan. This Style causes damage by flowing their Chakra, from their palms, into the opponent's Inner Coils Systems. A technique that destroys the inner organs, it can be a critical hit for even the toughest guy. Also.. from the Taijutsu Hitomi gets SUPER SPEED.. ^^; like uhh afterimage-ish speed.

Hunter-Nin: As a hunter-nin, Hitomi has knowledge of..well..ninja assassin stuff^^; like pressure KNOWLEDGE!! points, how to dispose of a body completely (like having wild animals eat organs of the deceased so that there's no EVIDENCE and crap), stealth, and all of that good stuff.

Jutsu (Techniques): she's a jounin so she's got the basic stuff that they would have.. these are somentechniques that she uses SO..here.

Gentle Fist (Jyuken): An example of a "Gentle Fist" Style would be the Hyuga Style, it causes damage by flowing Chakra into the opponent's Inner Coils System. A technique that destroys the inner organs. Even a slight touch can be devastating.

Hakkeshou: Kaiten (Hand of the Eight Divinations: Heavenly Spin): A Ninjutsu technique where the ninja expels chakra from every one of their tenketsu, effectively pausing any attack moments before it would connect with them. Then, they spin their body like a top while continually expelling chakra from their body in a twisting sphere, launching their attacker or their attacker's weapons away, tearing apart any object within the sphere of the attack. This is a very complicated technique because it requires expert control of chakra and a large amount of stamina to use. Typically, in battle, even a ninja at the level of Jounin is only able to expel chakra from a single part of their body while in heated combat. To use this technique and utilize every tenketsu at once is almost impossible.

Hakkeshou: Rokujuu Yonshou (Hand of the Eight Divinations: Sixty-four Palms): A Taijutsu technique utilizing the Byakugan (White Eyes) and the Jyuken (Gentle Fist). With the ability to see the inner coil system, the ninja performs a series of graceful movements while attacking sixty-four of the three hundred and sixty-one tenketsu. First, they attack two points, quickly followed by two more, then four more. Next, they attack eight more tenketsu, followed by sixteen more, and finishing the attack with the last thirty-two. With these sixty-four points sealed, the opponent's inner coil system is entirely shut down, causing incredible internal pain and effectively preventing them from using their chakra. Hitomi has revised this technique for her oi-nin missions in cases that she wishes to close a specific part of a coil system at a time.

Shadow Replication: (Kage Bunshin no Jutsu) - A 'forbidden' technique in the Hidden Leaf village, Hitomi learned this from her father Naruto as well as through Jounin Training. It allows the user to created 'shadow' versions of themselves, indistinguishable from the original. They even admit chakra evenly with the user. Whilst not as powerful as the original, the Bunshins' (Shadow Clones) power is spread evenly amongst themselves and can even do damage to an opponent. The bad side of this, however, is that once hit, the clones disappear. Hitomi can create 15 of these easily (for a duration of 10-20 minutes) safely.

Sexy no Jutsu: like Naruto's but she can make it into a SEXY GUY or a sexy girl

Harem no Jutsu: same thing as sexy no jutsu but a crapload of THEM

Uzumaki Naruto Combo (Uzumaki Naruto Rendan): With the creation of four Shadow Clones, this combo includes punches and kicks very much like Lion Rendan except its five on one. The Lion Rendan is..hrm..well basically a series of punches and kicks that would hit a person in a manner that would leave them vulnerable for the next hit so that the combo would be completed.

Rasengan (Spiral Blast): A Ninjutsu technique incorporating the chakra control needed for both the tree climbing training and water walking training. With the type of chakra control needed for the tree climbing training, the ninja focuses a set amount of chakra into the palm of their hand. With the type of chakra control needed for the water walking training, the ninja continuously releases that set amount of chakra from the palm of their hand in the form of a constantly spinning ball.

Body Substitute: A basic skill that allows a ninja to substitute themselves with an object to avoid an attack. Almost all ninjas know this technique.

Technique of the Tracking Fang (Doton Tsuiga no Jutsu): A summoning technique. By signing a scroll ward in blood, this skill allows the user to summon multiple Ninja Dogs from the earth to track a foe down and attack at lightning speeds to immobilize the person, leaving them vulnerable to attacks. Up to seven dogs can be summoned with one scroll, which usually includes two Terriers, two Dobermans, two Bulldogs and one Great Dane per summon.

Powers & Merits

(Unique, or hereditary, in-born powers, whether due to genetics or magic, things that can't be taught to others or simply gifted to this person from an outside force. Powers based on weapons should go in the Items. Merits can also go here.)

The Byakugan: This in an eye technique similar to Sharingan, which in fact the Sharingan developed from. This technique is unique to the advanced bloodline abilities of the Hyuga clan. The maximum field of vision with the Byakugan is approximately 360 degrees. In other words, a Byakugan user is able to see all his surroundings and he senses all of his opponent's attack. It also allows the user to see through things and Jutsu, but most impressive of al is its ability to see the Inner Coil System and Chakra Holes. Enabling them to attack their opponents inner organs or even stop the flow of their opponents Chakra.

Kyuubi BLOOD: While this isn't really a technique or anything really useful.. she has this from Naruto.. who has Kyuubi inside of him and stuff. Hitomi has just a natural ability for learning things..and also being mischevious and a FOX(since that is what Kyuubi is.. a fox demon^^;) Also because of this, Hitomi is somewhat vulnerable to holy attacks. While it won't kill her, it'll certainly knock her off her ROCKER.


Clear Sighted (3): You are not fooled by illusions, and you get an Alertness roll to see through illusions, Difficulty 7, any time you face one.

Concentration (1): You are very good at focusing, and suffer no penalty for distractions, stress or having to repeat yourself often.

Graceful (2): You are extremely agile and delicate in your movements. +1 Bonus on all Dexterity rolls. Botches will still hurt, but it is possible to gracefully fall down, and you'll die before you look clumsy.

Danger Sense (3): "Oh no! My Spider Senses are tingling!" A successful Alertness roll, difficulty depending on the situation, will give you a timely sense of foreboding before something bad happens...

Double-Jointed (1): +1 Bonus on any roll involving flexibility, or escaping.

Unique Items

(Madougu, magical weapons or other unique or special weapons, as well as all techniques related to them, as without it technically the character is NOT able to use these abilities.)

Items Of Note

Needles, Kunai, Shuriken, Ninja summoning scrolls, ..the usual ninja arsenal.

Weaknesses & Flaws

Flaws can go here. Balance is key!

Vulnerable to Holy Attacks: Because of the Kyuubi blood running in Hitomi's veins.. holy attacks can harm her.

Blind Spot: There is a blind spot in Hitomi's Byakugan skill on the upper vertebrae of her neck. If she is attacked from there she cannot see it.

Curiosity (2): Your incredible curiosity often overrides your common sense. Resisting temptation requires a successful Wits roll, difficulty depending on the situation. A very bad flaw to take with certain evil sadistic GMs.

Cursed (2) "Kyuubi Blood": You have been cursed by someone or something. The curse is specific in nature and cannot be easily dispelled. Level of the flaw reflects how bad the curse is; a 1 point curse is annoying (holy auras hurt. ..and has a temptation to do mishceivious acts. Constantly.).

Disturbing Mannerism "constantly wears a facemask.. and has a creepy white eyed stare" (2): You have a habit or character trait which is peculiar, gross, or annoying. You may not even be aware of it-but boy, everyone else is. Penalties of social rolls are increased at the GM's discretion.

NPC(s) to go with char
