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|japaneseva=Nolan North
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|relatives=Dante Sparda, Father.<br> Trish, Mother (Deceased).<br> Beatrice Sparda, Cousin.<br> ...lots of others.<br>
|relatives=Dante Sparda, Father.<br> Trish, Mother (Deceased).<br> [[Beatrice Sparda]], Cousin.<br> ...lots of others.<br>
|series=Devil May Cry.
|series=Devil May Cry.

Revision as of 19:10, 15 October 2010

Luca Sparda
Luca Casual.
A.K.A. Luca Redgrave
The Situation
Son of Sparda
Age 22
Voice Actor Nolan North
Relatives Dante Sparda, Father.
Trish, Mother (Deceased).
Beatrice Sparda, Cousin.
...lots of others.
Series Devil May Cry.
Player Frank
  • Name: Luca Sparda
  • Age: 22
  • Sex: Male
  • Birthday: May 19th
  • Parents: Dante and Trish
    • Place of Birth: Los Angeles, California.
    • Nationality: American.
    • Specialty: Cracking wise.
    • Hobbies: Gunsmithing, Military stuff, Football.
    • Likes: Military, money, football.
    • Dislikes: Working with father, devils.
    • Favorite Food: Hot Dogs.
    • Least Favorite Food: Sushi.
    • Favorite Music: Death Metal.
    • Favorite Sport: Football.
    • Most Valuable Possessions: Nothing.
    • Level of Education: Lifelong Military Training.
      • Camp Pendelton CA; 2nd Battalion 4th Marines Division; 'Magnificent Bastards'; Rank Private.
      • Camp Coronado SEAL BUD/S; Rank SEAL;
      • Ranger Camp; 75th Ranger Regiment; Rank Cadet.
    • Seiyuu/Voice Actor: Nolan North.
  • Physical Stats
    • Height: 6'3"
    • Weight: 220lbs
    • Eyes: Blue.
    • Hair: Platinum Blond.
    • Special: Eyes are a very unique blue.


Luca carries himself like a military man at all times, actually walking in step and following beats in his head. He wears trendy but useful clothes like Tactical 5.11 wear pretty much all the time. He usually wears either camo pattern pants (usually fitting his location, such as Urban MARPAT in the city, or Flectarn in rural areas) along with a tactical shirt, with variations for the seasons. He is incredibly well built but not musclebound, has short hair (decided to cut it when he moved), and always carries around his guns and knife.


Generally cheerful, quick witted and snarky. Is forward, brash and comfortable in all social situations, not registering awkwardness, or defusing it (he thinks) with a clever oneliner or other well or ill timed joke. EXTREMELY confident and prone to discussing at length on any military topic, as well as the value of tactical combat and CQB. On the job, Luca is mostly professional, only throwing out his witticisms to distract and irritate his enemies so they'll focus on him and less on his squishy partners, since unlike many of them, he CAN take it.


After the events of Mallet Island, Dante and Trish went back to LA together and Devil May Cry became Devil Never Cry. Obviously, after a short time, Dante's mother complex kicked in and he got together with Trish.. permanently. After a while, the two had a son out of wedlock, not that that's such a big deal for two devils, but.. Anyways, Luca was born.
Obviously, simply having a son wasn't going to stop them from working at Devil Never Cry. The problem though was that as Luca grew up, the devils became more cunning and vicious, and one of them actually managed to get a lucky shot in. Trish's head was severed straight from her body by a powerful Dark Knight.. this made Dante excessively pissed off and made him wipe out that entire cabal, but the fact didn't change that Trish was dead and Dante was now a single parent. After coming to terms with this fact, he tried to be there for his son, who was turning 4 without a mother, but he'd never really had any experiences either with a father or BEING a father, so he had to make due with what he knew.. which wasn't the best fatherhood techniques, but it did get them closer together. He tried to be his son's friend.

Luca as a rookie.

As anyone here with any idea of parenting, you know this isn't the best thing to do. At first things were going great. Luca didn't actually harbor as much resentment as Dante had been worried he would. He didn't understand everything, just that mommy was gone and daddy was here with him now. So the two bonded with that, but after a while.. a few years passed, and Luca was more and more like his old man.. which is to say, irreverant, a troublemaker, and a severe pain in the butt to handle on a day to day basis, even for Dante. He usually enjoyed the spunk and vitality in his son, but there were problems at school, on the street.. so basically his son was groing up to be a terror, and there were a few too many questions being unanswered by constantly talking to PTA meetings and the like.. let alone it's not like the devils would take a day off to let Dante have a long, serious talk with his son. So he did the only thing he figured he could do. He sent Luca to a private boarding school. A military academy.

Luca and Doctor, about to put evil in jail.

At first Luca didn't like it there. It was way way way stricter than he was used to and that he liked.. but then he saw the guns. All the wonderful guns the older kids could play with and train in, and that started to set him straight. He decided he'd get to do that in a very short time.. and the thing is he was right. Luca was exceptional in athletics and when focussed, no puzzle could go unsolved, including math and other such problems. So Luca was shooting through the ranks.. a little fast, actually, he got notice from the right Govt. agencies. After talking to Dante, who couldn't think of a better way for his son to get prepared for the 'carreer' laid out for him later, Luca was chosen at age 13 to undergo special forces training. Dante knew his son could handle the rigors of doing that.. and Luca just wanted to show off how much better than any other classmate he was. So he went for it, and was trained at first like a real soldier.. then fast enough moved on to Marines, then SEALS training. The latter didn't work too well, since after all he was still just a child, even with his abilities, but he'd shown some promise in it, they decided another option. He wasn't very good at working with others, but this lack of discipline and teamwork just wasn't enough to stop training a prodigy, so they decided to train him in the ways of an agent instead of a soldier, aiming for him to be a special operative of the US Govt. when he grew up.

Luca's original BSAA Alias, until he chose Redgrave.

Agent training was even better for him. Using what he'd learned in the military training and applying it to stealth and espionage worked out even better than they had hoped. After getting this kind of training for the next year and a half, were he not underage, Luca could be ready for field work. He requested to get another type of regimen, this time back to military work, but the kind expected to work alone, like Delta Force. It took a while to deliberate, but after a few months, Luca had a private trainer from Delta Force, showing him the ropes and making him go through extreme physical training. Even for Luca, this was incredibly difficult, because Delta Force was the second hardest ecehlon in the US Military's arsenal... but his goal, at least at the time, was that top echelon. FOXHOUND. However.. that just wasn't to be. One night, as they were training how to survive navigating a minefield, devils attacked. They came down from the night sky and started attacking. Luca and his trainer did their best to take down the monsters but.. well. That simply was not meant to be. These were DEVILS. The things Dante fought, and for the most part, human weapons weren't quite so good to use against them as devil arms. The two used everything they had to deal with these, and many devils ended up dead from the mines, proper CQC applications and brutal displays of gunmanship.. but then the ammo ran out, and stranded in a minefield with empty handguns and a combat shotgun, Luca and his trainer were pretty much done for.. until one of the devils impaled Luca through the chest. He fell.. it hurt... but that was it. A flash went through his eyes. He had no idea this kind of power was available to him. Now he knew how Dante could pull it off. He brought his gun to the devil's face, smirked up at him, and said to them 'Let's Rock'.
After the devils lay defeated from Devil Power bullets and insane gunplay, Luca looked at his trainer, picked up his cigar, and said 'This was a Hell of a night', and then started to walk. His resignation papers were all done the next morning, though they didn't want to let him go right away, Luca had more than enough offenses to be dishonorably discharged that they had ignored, and his trainer urged them to let him go, as there wasn't really any place for him in the US Army, and he didn't actually know any secrets per se. This did NOT go over well... but then Dante greased the right palms after talking to his son and his trainer. After all, Devil Never Cry needed a new partner. ....boy did that not work well. The military and agent trained boy simply did NOT work well with Dante's devil may care (pun!) attitude. There was no clearing, there was no order, there was no discipline.. and as stated before, even when it was time to cut loose, Luca did not work well with others. So father and son constantly fought over how to handle these cases, how to get the job done better, how Dante was too sloppy and left too many things up to chance and how Luca should go back to the academy and sue them to have the operation to remove that stick up his ass. After a more serious version of this talk, Luca decided he'd take his business elsewhere, and fight the good fight away from home. He decided to become a mercenary.. in Europe, where a lot of old monsters were supposed to dwell, even if they weren't quite FROM Hell. Despite everything, Dante did not mind this. After all, two Devil Never Cry operatives in different parts of the world could only be bad news for things that go bump in the night. Before Luca left, Dante handed him something that came from his personal collection, the Devil Arm Alastor, the Sword representing Luca's Power. So then Luca set out, to the darkest lands of Olde Europe..
While there, he met up with the BSAA in Germany and joined them, becoming assigned to Dr. Urameshi as a field agent against bio-terrorists and other supernatural entities. From there, they were assigned to track down reborn Nazi Vampires and their nefarious zombie army, which they tracked to an old castle. They then left the castle when it was obvious the nazis wanted nothing to do with them and have then decided to go examine the other odd place of interest in Tokyo, the Maison Ikkoku. Taking his gear and newfound knowledge, he followed the Doctor to this place, even though his finely honed soldier instincts told him he had more chances of actually getting a girl or killing a dangerous demon back at this weird castle. However, always a good Soldier, Luca did as ordered and headed there to continue his assignment.. and maybe find a new job, as the case may be.


(These include all learned skills, as well as a relative rating from Abyssmal to Amazing. The character's level of mastery in something that can be taught or at least rated by other people follows the scale: Abyssmal, Novice, Good, Very Good, Incredible, Amazing)

YOU DO NOT HAVE TO PUT A RANK FOR -EVERY- SKILL. Just fill out the stuff you think your character would have! Feel free to add other skills that you think your character should be noted for. (Ex: Speaking French)

Physical Skills:

  • Alertness: Very Good
  • Athletics: Incredible
  • Stealth: Incredible
  • Close-Quarters Combat: Incredible
  • Firearms: Amazing
  • Melee: Incredible

Social Skills:

  • Subterfuge: Good
  • Streetwise: Good
  • Intimidation: Incredible
  • Leadership: Good
  • Expression: Good
  • Etiquette: Very Good

Mental Skills:

  • Computers: Novice
  • Investigation: Good
  • Occult: Very Good
  • Politics: Good

Other Skills:

  • Driving: Incredible
  • Survival: Incredible
  • Empathy: Good
  • Languages: English, Italian, French, Russian, German, Mandarin, can read and understand Farsi and Spanish.

Special Abilities

(These are skills, things that can be learned or trained, like martial arts techniques, Jutsu or magic spells. Abilities that are outside the norm of regular humans, but only because they have not had access to them.)
Special Techniques:

  • Wall Jump: Luca's leg strength and training allow him to hop off a wall and either away from it or upwards to land on the side of a small wall, or just reach a high window.
  • High Time: Using Nacht and Tag, and firing repeatedly with devil power, Luca can stay aloft for a while from the recoil of the bullets, or juggle enemies in the air.
  • Gun Fu: Luca can use Nacht and Tag (or any other heavy guns) the way some people use nunchaku or knives, in hand to hand combat.
  • Air Hike: Luca can hop off Devil Energy in mid air, essentially allowing him to double jump at will.
  • Enemy Step: Luca can leap and flip off an enemy's body after a jump.

Style Techniques:
Swordmaster Style: Luca's least developped ability. Every melee weapon has it's own sets of skills Luca could eventually unlock with practice.

  • Alastor - Fox Hunting: Spinning Alastor around one handed, Luca can deflect bullets fired at him, matching up to the power of an assault rifle.
  • Alastor - Aerial Support: After jumping, Luca and use the Alastor in a spinning and slashing frenzy to stay aloft while keeping an enemy close.

Trickster Style: Motions and reactions available to Luca via reflexes and speed. This is Luca's secondary area of expertise.

  • Dash: Sudden burst of speed, moving hyper fast for a short moment. He can do two rapid bursts, and can use this to dash over holes or water.
  • Wall Hike: Landing on a wall and using his reflexes, Luca can run along it for a moment, to the point of defying gravity.
  • Sky Star: In midair, Luca can suddenly move in a dash of speed to avoid attacks or just reach an area ALMOST out of reach.

Gunslinger Style: Luca's best technique set, and he uses this all the time, since he loves guns so much.

  • Twosome Time: Spinning his guns like nunchaku, Luca can fire at any targets on all sides of him at the same time. (Handguns)
  • Target Shooting: Luca has masteed the use of his gun's recoil, using it to guide the path of his bullets into the opponent's leg, then the other, then the gut, chest and head. (Handguns)
  • Gun-Stinger: Luca rushes forwards at high speed and shoves his gun into the opponents midsection, then unleashes a giant shot point blank. (Shotgun)
  • Shield Shot: Luca knocks an enemy over, shoves his gun between the opponent's arm or in his bent gut, using them to pump the shotgun, and for cover, holding them in a CQC Hold and letting them soak up the bullets for him. (Shotgun)
  • Group Shot: Luca fires a sudden volley of machinegun fire, and they all converge on a single spot on the opponent, at once, causing massive damage. These vary in shape. (Automatic Weapons)
  • Rising Chain: Luca knocks the opponent into the air with his knee or leg, then opens fire with his weapon, holding the enemy up in the air, gunning them in half like a chainsaw or impaling them like a melee weapon (Automatic Weapons)
  • Trick Shot: Luca can fire his bullets off hard surfaces and blockages or around obstacles to reach his target. (Rifles)
  • Sniper: Luca can fire a bullet which will lock on and aim at the enemy, though it takes a moment to charge. (Rifles)
  • Cross Blast: Luca can fire several rockets, causing the enemy to get impaled like a cross, then it blows up. (Rocket Launcher)
  • Juggler: Luca fires a single grenade, knocking his target into the air, then shoots another just as he comes down, and repeats this

Powers & Merits

(Unique, or hereditary, in-born powers, whether due to genetics or magic, things that can't be taught to others or simply gifted to this person from an outside force. Powers based on weapons should go in the Items. Merits can also go here.)
Lightning Devil: Luca is actually three quarters devil, making him incredibly resilient and viciously strong, but mostly, amazingly quick and sharp. his strength, reflexes and endurance are superhuman, and he can take immense amounts of punishment without slowing down. While he still takes 'damage', per se, he cannot suffer wounds, and can hold his breath for almost an hour under water, as the case may be.
Devil Power: Luca's most often used power is that he can never run out of ammo. He can fire from any weapon, even broken ones, as often as he wants, as the bullets and other ammo are created by his own inner power. This lets him forgo reloading or the dead man's click, but does cause wear and tear on weapons as usual, which is why he maintains them so much.

Ability Aptitude - Handguns: (1pt Merit) Luca is a crack shot, and can hit anything with a handgun, due to practice, letting him shoot the one weak spot or the 1 in a million shot with alarming regularity to the point where it becomes the 1 in 100 shot.
Animal Magnetism: (1pt Merit) Luca has a masculine and relaxed presence as well as a devilish grin and melt-your-heart blue eyes of a unique color. Confidence is the key.
Daredevil: (3pt Merit) Luca is fearless, and while not the type to breach protocol on infiltrations, is likely to dive off choppers or bungee down a building to catch the bad guy.
Danger Sense: (3pt Merit) Luca is unnaturally attuned to the world around him and can tell when a sucker punch is coming, so he coves the balls.
Gall: (2pt Merit) Luca's bold attitude, confidence and sharp wit can be abrasive, but after a bit most warm up to it because it's honest and refreshing.

Unique Items

(Madougu, magical weapons or other unique or special weapons, as well as all techniques related to them, as without it technically the character is NOT able to use these abilities.)

Alastor, the Dark Lightning Sword.

Alastor: A greatsword found impaled through the heart of the Judge of Death, Alastor is a blade of speed and power. Useable as both a two handed sword and single handedly, Alastor is razor-sharp and lightning fast, leaving a blur of speed where it slashes. It is intelligent, and will only accept to be wielded by a master who's proven his strength to it, by surviving its attacks. It's true form is that of the blade. As a lightning and dark blade, this bastard sword is the incarnation of Luca's power.
Elemental Attribute: Lightning.
Alastor's Abilities:

  • Danger Warning: Alastor glows with power when it detects a threat.
  • High Time: Slashing upwards at an enemy to launch it into the air.
  • Helmbreaker: Slashing down with all the user's weight at the enemy's head, or an aerial enemy into the ground.
  • Stinger: Lunging Forwards to stab into an enemy with great force.
  • Million Stab: After a Stinger, a sudden flurry of thrusts from a standing position, followed by a sudden extra stab.
  • Round Trip: Throwing Rebellion into an enemy from afar, making it spin and cleave through all in its path, then return to the user.

Devil Trigger Attributes:(Note that Luca has not Awakened yet, so he cannot use Devil Trigger for now.)

  • Covers the user in Lightning.
  • Grants the user Wings.
  • Air Raid: Causing the Devil Triggered user to stay in the air, while blasting down lightning at a target.
  • Vortex: Turns the user into a spinning drill, moving at lightning speed and bouncing off solid objects, coated in lightning.

Alastor's Limitations: As stated, Alastor will only accept a master that can survive impalement. Due to its lightning quick nature, dodging it is nigh-impossible. Alastor is almost absolutely powerless against certain types of devils, the electircal damage being absorbed by such devils as Plasmas.

Nacht, high precision Desert Eagle.

Nacht and Tag: Night and Day, Luca's personalised twin semi automatic magnums. Both guns are made to handle the use of a blade on their frame and every last piece of it has been reworked to the point where their tactical efficiency is well over 3 times the best military standards. Nacht can be equipped with a supressor to dampen noise, and it's matte black finish make it imperceptible even in deep cover situations where a gun would be a problem. The muzzleflash is also down from the supressor. Naturally.. Devil Power bullets cannot be fired silently, so if he's going to go full out, it's time to make some noise. Both guns are custom adjusted Desert Eagles, with aligned barrel and loader specialy fit for rapid fire, and a slightly enlarged shell launching area, to prevent stovepiping.
NOTE: A normal person cannot dual weild these guns. They're not equipped with compensators or recoil reduction, and trying to fire both would cause massive wrist strain AND loss of accuracy. Luca compensates with devil strength to hold them steady when firing.

Tag, quick shooting Desert Eagle.

Nacht: .50 Caliber Magnum, also known as a 'Handcannon', with the kind of recoil that would break a lesser man's wrist. Specially made suppressor can be used, but will still make noise in close up encounters, it's primary use of a suppressor is to keep people outside the area from hearing it. This gun is not meant to wound, it's meant to kill, or maim horribly at that. Nacht is matte black reinforced and devil empowered gunsteel, and can take direct hits from even axes without breaking. Nacht's handle has been whittled down to incorporate a knife handle on it, in the case of upclose and personal fighting and the use of CQC being required. The grip is custom to Luca's fingers, and this is including the knife ridge. Nacht's barrel bottom has a railing mechanism for equipping a Laser Aiming Module or gun light, and has Bo-Mar rear sights for better target shooting.

Tag: .50 Caliber Magnum, also known as a 'Handcannon', with the same general specifications as Nacht. It cannot be equipped with a supressor, and is a brighter 'white' gunsteel, so is far less useful in infiltration or close encounter situations. However, Tag's true power comes from when Luca drops the military attitude. When that happens, even devils may cry. Twin Handcannon firing with unlimited ammo from devil power will cause even supernatural entities to regret the day they were made. Tag is also made from the same devil empowerment as Nacht, so it can be used even in melee situations. The grip is also customised, but this one does not have the knife ridge of Nacht. Tag's frame is reinforced on the inside, so it's even better at upclose and personal shooting than at long range, since it's meant to be used to block blades. It's main purpose though is to dual-wield with it's sister, Nacht.

Items Of Note

Shotgun: Close Quarters Combat Shotgun: Mossberg 590 Cruiser[1], sawed-off barrel and stock.
Sniper Rifle: Semi-Automatic Rifle: HK SL8[2] Combat Rifle, HEAVILY customized for rapid fire sniping.
Sub Machine Gun: MP5: HK MP5KA2[3] Submachinegun. Barely customized, but with a stock for higher accuracy.
Assault Rifle: M4 SOPMOD: Colt M4 Carbine[4], with under-barrel Masterkey or Grenade Launcher as required.

Weaknesses & Flaws

Flaws can go here. Balance is key!
Devil: Luca is part devil. As such, Holy attacks and barriers wreak fair amounts of havoc on him. He can use special 'Holy Water' and other such weapons, but on his own he is very vulnerable to them if they're turned on him. Healing or not, Holy attacks will cause MASSIVE damage and the wounds will not heal easily, if at all, without help.

Compulsive Speech: (1pt Flaw) Luca has a very hard time not voicing his opinions.
Overconfident: (1pt Flaw) Luca is convinced he, alone, is all that's needed for most operations, and while he appreciated radio support, physical support can go elsewhere while he does the man's work.
Otherworldly Taint: (2pt Flaw) Luca has the eyes of Sparda. Anyone with even cursory knowledge of the Legend of Sparda (which is fairly well known) can tell.
Airhead: (0pt Flaw) Luca's tendency to keep things light-hearted and add levity to any situation tends to make people think he doesn't take things seriously in planning or stressful situations, though his actions on the field USUALLY show otherwise. (this isn't REALLY a flaw so no points for it, but that IS how he acts)
Group Emnity - Devils: (2pt Flaw) Other devils assume the Son of Sparda is out to get them. Whenever he has to deal with a being from Hell, Luca elicits general scorn, distrust, and often outright fear. For example, he's not welcome at Rodin's bar.

NPC(s) to go with char

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