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(Created page with '{{Infobox Character |name= Gilbert Urthadar |image= File:EpicPaladin.jpg |aka= Sir. Gilbert, Holy Knight of Heironeous |age= 19 |japaneseva= |relatives= Sealamin Urthadar (Fa…')
m (Skills)
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== Skills ==
== Skills ==
Physical Skills:<br>
Physical Skills:
Alertness +3 <br>
*Alertness +3  
Athletics +4 <br>
*Athletics +4
Stealth -1 (Abysmal)<br>
*Stealth -1 (Abysmal)
Social Skills:<br>
Social Skills:
Subterfuge -1 (Abysmal)<br>
*Subterfuge -1 (Abysmal)
Intimidation +4 <br>
*Intimidation +4  
Leadership +5 <br>
*Leadership +5  
Expression +1<br>
*Expression +1
Ettiquette +4<br>
*Ettiquette +4
Mental Skills:<br>
Mental Skills:
Computers -1 (Abysmal)<br>
*Computers -1 (Abysmal)
Investigation +2 <br>
*Investigation +2  
Medicine +1 (Novice, knows basic first aid)<br>
*Medicine +1 (Novice, knows basic first aid)
Law +4 <br>
*Law +4 <br>
Occult +3 (+4 when it comes to "Hextor" know thy enemy...) <br>
*Occult +3 (+4 when it comes to "Hextor" know thy enemy...)  
Politics +1 (+4 in "Courtly" settings though)<br>
*Politics +1 (+4 in "Courtly" settings though)
Science -1 (Abysmal)<br>
*Science -1 (Abysmal)
Technology -1 (Abysmal)<br>
*Technology -1 (Abysmal)
Other Skills:<br>
Other Skills:
Survival +2 <br>
*Survival +2
Empathy +4<br>
*Empathy +4
Animal Ken +3 (+4 with Horses)<br>
*Animal Ken +3 (+4 with Horses)
== Special Abilities ==
== Special Abilities ==
Active Abilities <br>
Active Abilities <br>

Revision as of 05:36, 6 May 2013

Gilbert Urthadar
A.K.A. Sir. Gilbert, Holy Knight of Heironeous
Age 19
Voice Actor
Relatives Sealamin Urthadar (Father) and Loraonna Spelloyal (Mother)
Series D&D 3.5
Player Bakamoichigei
  • Name: Gilbert Urthadar
  • Age: 19
  • Sex: Male
  • Birthday: July 27
  • Parents: Sealamin Urthadar (Father) and Loraonna Spelloyal (Mother)
    • Place of Birth: Greyhawk
    • Nationality:
    • Specialty: Undead Slaying
    • Hobbies: Prayer, Jousting
    • Likes: Honor, Chivalry, Stories of heroes.
    • Dislikes: Black Knights, Liars
    • Favorite Food: Mutton
    • Least Favorite Food: Fish
    • Favorite Music: Classical Lute
    • Favorite Sport: Jousting!
    • Most Valuable Possessions: His holy symbol of Heironeous
    • Level of Education: Some math, can read.
    • Seiyuu/Voice Actor:
  • Physical Stats
    • Height: 5'8
    • Weight: 144
    • Eyes: Blue
    • Hair: Blond
    • Special:


The classic, stereotypical goodie two shoes look.


Honorable and strong, Gilbert wishes to uphold the ideals of Heironeous and provide aid to his allies.


In a sequestered village is where our story begins. A young boy, with eyes still bright with innocence and childlike merriment, was at play in a field with his older sister. His youth was full of joy and Gilbert grew happily into his young adulthood. His father was a travelling knight-errant and would come home often, regaling his son with tales of chivalry and justice. Once he was old enough Gilbert took the armaments he was gifted on his birthday and left with his father on one of his adventures. They travelled sometime, but like all adventurers, his father was eventually injured.

They broke for camp, and Gilbert would watch over his injured father. As the moon reached the high point, a snapping twig alerted him to the danger that had been approaching, nefarious men had decided to take advantage of the injured knight and his young squire. As Gilbert drew his sword, he was beset upon by a vision. It was himself, wreathed in golden flames and glorious armor, the symbol of Heironeous on his shield, defending justice and what is right. When the vision cleared, Gilbert stood in the middle of the corpses, he himself untouched by the blood of his foes.

By the end of the next week, he was training in the courtyard of the nearest city, on his way to becoming a Holy Knight of the Invincible, his destiny had been laid out before him and he just needed to take the first steps.


Physical Skills:

  • Alertness +3
  • Athletics +4
  • Stealth -1 (Abysmal)

Social Skills:

  • Subterfuge -1 (Abysmal)
  • Intimidation +4
  • Leadership +5
  • Expression +1
  • Ettiquette +4

Mental Skills:

  • Computers -1 (Abysmal)
  • Investigation +2
  • Medicine +1 (Novice, knows basic first aid)
  • Law +4
  • Occult +3 (+4 when it comes to "Hextor" know thy enemy...)
  • Politics +1 (+4 in "Courtly" settings though)
  • Science -1 (Abysmal)
  • Technology -1 (Abysmal)

Other Skills:

  • Survival +2
  • Empathy +4
  • Animal Ken +3 (+4 with Horses)

Special Abilities

Active Abilities

  • Detect Evil - Can sense evil within 60 ft, while it requires some concentration to use, this doesn't distract him from his ability to fight
  • Lay on Hands - By uttering a small prayer to his diety, whether in his mind or through his mouth, the Paladin is able to heal wounds with merely a touch. 2/Day
  • Remove Disease - His touch can cure even diseases, but this blessing can only be used so often every week. 3/Week
  • Turn Undead - While not as strong as his brethren, he has the ability drive back the undead by brandishing his holy symbol. 6/Day
  • Smite Evil - Bathing his weapon in a holy flame, this is the hallmark of the Paladin's abilities. His pure heart and noble mind, with the blessings of his God, combine to grant his weapon the ability to strike hard and true against those of ill mannered natures. 3/Day

Passive Abilities

  • Aura of Courage - The Paladin knows no fear, and neither do his allies. The paladin is immune to any "fear" affects and those around him gain a bonus to Willpower rolls to resist said affects...
  • Aura of Good - Those around him can easily recognize his good intentions and nature. (Similar to "Good Ole Boy" merit, +1 in Social situations when dealing with "good")
  • Divine Grace - A mix of luck and blessings of the divine, the Paladin has been granted protection to mundane and magical effects. (This does not make him immune, just a bit tougher)
  • Divine Health - The Paladin is blessed in that he never succumbs to any disease, whether magical or mundane.

Powers & Merits

Code of Honor (+1)
The Heironean Code
The Heironean Code consists of three sets of duties:

  • Duty to the People. This duty stresses courage, justice, mercy, valor, protection of the weak, and faithfulness to church superiors of officer of righteous law.
  • Duty to the Arch-paladin. This duty stresses obedience to Heironeous himself, devotion to the church, generosity, championing good against evil, putting the needs of the church and the faith above those of mortals.
  • Duty to a Lady. This duty pertains to the concept of courtly love, devotion to one's beloved, and respect toward all women in general.

True Faith (+7) (He is adamant in his faith towards Heironeous!)

Paladin Spells 3/2/2
1. Protection from Evil - This grants the person it's cast upon immunity to mental affects such as charm, compulsion, and illusion affects, from evil sources, and gives them an extra defense against attacks.
1. Cure Light Wounds - Small healing spell
1. Divine Sacrifice - Gilbert sacrifices part of his health, granting his next attack strength when it hits.

2. Righteous Fury - Blessed by The Archpaladin himself, Gilbert is strengthened by the light when he uses this spell. He is enhanced in war against evil, and all undead creatures who dare touch the Paladin suffer minor burns.
2. Shield Other - Target of this spell is granted protection from all sources, and any damage dealt to them is lessened, as it goes to Gilbert.

3. Daylight - By uttering a prayer, he fills an area with magical daylight, cancelling out darkness spells and blinding creatures who are vulnerable to such effects.

Unique Items

Holy Longsword +1 (Stronger then a regular longsword, can only be weilded by good, deals extra damage to evil creatures)

Exalted Mithril Platemail +1 (Platemail made of Mithril, lighter in weight, grants the wearer Protection from Evil so long as it's worn, halves damage from Unholy effects, negates "Vile" Damage. Vile Damage is the stuff that is -really- evil, as in "Book of Vile Darkness" stuff, can only be worn by good)

Bag of Tricks - Tan (Can summon 10 large beasts per week, bear, rhino)

  • 1-30% Brown Bear
  • 31-60% Lion
  • 61-80% Heavy Warhorse
  • 81-90% Tiger
  • 91-100% Rhino

Ring of Swimming, Improved (Grants him major bonus to swim checks... having armor tends to weigh one down)

Items Of Note

Weaknesses & Flaws

Hero Worship (Heironeous) (-1) (There is absolutely no question that Heironeous is the inspiration in which all Paladins should strive to be)
Hatred (Hextor and his followers) (-3) (Those who worship Heironeous' brother, the foul Hextor hold no honor, and are to be vanquished)

NPC(s) to go with char

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