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'''Tamer Transformation''': When Satoru has a particular surge of emotion.. his alter-ego 'Krad' can manifest and take over his body. The entity is particularly crazy so.. Satoru tends to keep a cool head at all times to prevent this from happening.
'''Tamer Transformation''': When Satoru has a particular surge of emotion.. his alter-ego 'Krad' can manifest and take over his body. The entity is particularly crazy so.. Satoru tends to keep a cool head at all times to prevent this from happening.
'''Telekinesis''': As Krad, he has the ability to do force-like attacks.. though they are very straining on his host body. He must be looking at whatever he is performing the attack on, too.
'''Danger Sense (3):''' "Oh no! My Spider Senses are tingling!" A successful Alertness roll, difficulty depending on the situation, will give you a timely sense of foreboding before something bad happens... <br>
'''Danger Sense (3):''' "Oh no! My Spider Senses are tingling!" A successful Alertness roll, difficulty depending on the situation, will give you a timely sense of foreboding before something bad happens... <br>

Revision as of 23:55, 3 October 2010

Satoru Hiwatari
Satoru in his usual attire.. pre-stubble.
A.K.A. Satoru Hikaru, Krad
Age 22
Voice Actor Shuuichi Ikeda / Takeshi Kusao
Relatives Satoshi Hiwatari - Father
Series DNAngel
Player Cinnie aka Gubaba
  • Name: Satoru Hiwatari
  • Age: 22
  • Sex: Male
  • Birthday: May 5th
  • Parents: Satoshi Hiwatari & Some Lady (Though was raised by Foster Parents)
    • Place of Birth: Tokyo Japan
    • Nationality: Japanese (half-Korean)
    • Specialty: Justice
    • Hobbies: Detective work, Chess, Cellphone games, Puzzles
    • Likes: Solving the mystery, Perfection
    • Dislikes: Theives, Kaitou Dark, Failure, People taking on more than they can chew.
    • Favorite Food: Ochazuke
    • Least Favorite Food: Anything pork
    • Favorite Music: Ambient stuff
    • Favorite Sport: Soccer & Swimming
    • Most Valuable Possessions: his Cellphone
    • Level of Education: finished college
    • Seiyuu/Voice Actor: Shuuichi Ikeda / Takeshi Kusao
  • Physical Stats
    • Height: 6'
    • Weight: 180lbs
    • Eyes: blue
    • Hair: black
    • Special: Has two piercings on his left ear.


Satoru is a rather tall, athletic looking man.. with dark hair that tends to fall over an eye. He also dresses very sharply, wearing three-piece suits.. or at least a button up with a vest over it and slacks.. he also wears glasses when he's working. And on occasion wears a dark cape if it's raining or something, okay.


At a first glance, most would say Satoru is a rather aloof individual.. but once you get to know him he's a pretty easy-going guy. When he comes to his work though, he gets pretty scary.. often getting obsessive intensely into it and not even shaving for a few days which'll give him an asian-guy like stubble. He tends to treat everyone cordially.. not really used to letting too many people close to him due to his bloodline's curse.


Satoru is the son of the prodigy police detective Satoshi Hiwatari. Once Daisuke, Satoshi's friend, went off and settled down to do his own thing.. Satoshi decided to go abroad for a while and do his own thing too. Satoshi traveled to many of the other countries around Japan; China, Vietnam, the Philippines, and also Korea. While in Korea, Satoshi met a young woman who had lost everything due to the war between the North and South. Satoshi felt a bond to this woman, and he took her with him out of Korea and into Japan where he helped try to relocate her and get her back to their feet.. things were going pretty smoothly and Satoshi even had plans of marrying her. But inexplicably, one day, the woman had disappeared.. Satoshi believed that she must have gone back to Korea.. due to the fact that things were often hard for foreigners in a different country.

What had -REALLY- happened though.. was the young woman was pregnant. Satoshi was right in the fact that she feared what would happen to her, due to being a foreigner.. and she also did not know what she could do about the child. She put the child into an orphanage and returned to homeland. In the orphanage, Satoru grew up to be a very sharp, gifted boy.. he excelled in anything that was subjective and analytical. Eventually he was adopted by a family and Satoru, like his true father's footsteps was able to finish his highschool and obtain a college degree by age 13. During this time.. Satoru wanted to know about his family's roots.. there was something wrong, or rather, something different about him. There was this undeniable pull in his body that made him think about.. stopping crimes, about a skewed.. strange.. sense of justice. And of course later in his teenage years that voice only became clearer. It would only dim when he wore his glasses.

Thinking that this was the greatest puzzle to solve of them all.. Satoru began tracing his past, starting from the beginning and eventually piecing together the truth of his birthright. He realized that his father was the great Satoshi Hiwatari.. and that he was put into an orphanage due to his mother's xenophobic fear. Not wanting to burden Satoshi and just come up to him and say 'Hey! Guess what, I'm your son!'; Satoru decided to go on his own way.. and to prove himself on his own means. Satoru joined the police force.. taking the same last name as his birth father (though most just thought this was a bizarre coincidence). And now here he is.


(These include all learned skills, as well as a relative rating from Abyssmal to Amazing. The character's level of mastery in something that can be taught or at least rated by other people follows the scale: Abyssmal, Novice, Good, Very Good, Incredible, Amazing)

YOU DO NOT HAVE TO PUT A RANK FOR -EVERY- SKILL. Just fill out the stuff you think your character would have! Feel free to add other skills that you think your character should be noted for. (Ex: Speaking French)

Physical Skills:

  • Alertness: Amazing
  • Athletics: Incredible
  • Stealth: Incredible

Social Skills:

  • Subterfuge: Amazing
  • Streetwise: Very Good
  • Intimidation: Incredible
  • Leadership: Very Good
  • Expression: Amazing
  • Ettiquette: Amazing
  • Performance: Incredible

Mental Skills:

  • Computers: Very Good
  • Investigation: Amazing
  • Law: Very Good
  • Occult: Good

Other Skills:

  • Driving: Novice

Special Abilities

(These are skills, things that can be learned or trained, like martial arts techniques, Jutsu or magic spells. Abilities that are outside the norm of regular humans, but only because they have not had access to them.)

Powers & Merits

(Unique, or hereditary, in-born powers, whether due to genetics or magic, things that can't be taught to others or simply gifted to this person from an outside force. Powers based on weapons should go in the Items. Merits can also go here.)

Tamer Transformation: When Satoru has a particular surge of emotion.. his alter-ego 'Krad' can manifest and take over his body. The entity is particularly crazy so.. Satoru tends to keep a cool head at all times to prevent this from happening.

Telekinesis: As Krad, he has the ability to do force-like attacks.. though they are very straining on his host body. He must be looking at whatever he is performing the attack on, too.

Danger Sense (3): "Oh no! My Spider Senses are tingling!" A successful Alertness roll, difficulty depending on the situation, will give you a timely sense of foreboding before something bad happens...

Clear Sighted (3): You are not fooled by illusions, and you get an Alertness roll to see through illusions, Difficulty 7, any time you face one.

Double-Jointed (1): +1 Bonus on any roll involving flexibility, or escaping.

Catlike Balance (2): +1 Bonus to rolls relating to balance.

Ability Aptitude "Investigation" (1): Pick a single skill, talent, or knowledge: you're a whiz at whatver this is. +1 Bonus to all rolls using this ability.

Unique Items

(Madougu, magical weapons or other unique or special weapons, as well as all techniques related to them, as without it technically the character is NOT able to use these abilities.)

Krad Feathers: Krad has an ability to fly, with a set of white feathered wings (they explode out of his back rather painfully!). The feathers allow him to seal away magic in an item of magical value (as in taking away it's magical properties) as well as doing other small feats. These feats include dispelling magical barriers, mayhaps helping heal the wounded in a critical situation and things like that. He also uses it as a holy attack (primarily against Dark).

Items Of Note

Nothing.. really. He has a pair of glasses he uses at work.

Weaknesses & Flaws

Flaws can go here. Balance is key!

Painful Transformation: Unlike Dark with his tamer.. Krad seriously has no qualms of using his Tamer's body to the fullest extent.. which causes GREAT pain to Satoru^^;. Even when he uses his wings, Satoru has two scars on his shoulder blades where the wings would rip out of his back. He also gets exhausted with however much power Krad uses while taking over his body.

Compulsion "Hunting Dark" (1): You have a specific compulsion which may cause you problems. You might need to roll (Diff 6) to resist this.

Dark Secret "Youre the Homicidal Blond" (1): There's something about you which you don't want people to know, and it would be very bad if they did (or at least you think it would be).

Geas "Turning into KRAD" (3): Due to an ancient or not-so-ancient pact, or oath made during initiation into something, you have a supernatural taboo placed upon you. If you break it, you may be cursed for life, or lose your powers, or something else bad will happen. A 3-point geas will unlikely affect your everyday life;

NPC(s) to go with char
