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== Background ==
== Background ==
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=== In Nanoha ===
As the series opens, Nanoha Takamachi is presented as a regular little girl, living with her family, taking the bus to school and playing the gold-hearted average girl to her multimillionaire best friends Alisa Bannings and Suzuka Tsukimura. However, she always felt like a third wheel; her parents had each other, so did her siblings, and so did her best friends, while Nanoha had no such close companion. Additionally, she says she feels her life has no direction, as she has no plans for what she wants to do with herself. When she finds the injured Yūno in ferret form in the park, she brings him to a nearby veterinarian for care. Yūno later calls Nanoha telepathically as an unstable Jewel Seed attacks him, and he then gives her the red jewel around his neck, known as Raising Heart. With his instructions, Nanoha activates Raising Heart, and discovers her own magical ability. Her power blows Yūno away as she is able to create attacks quickly, transform and attack without using the incantations generally required doing so, and sensing Jewel Seeds more easily than he can. Even with all this power, she is still learning and must fight off her rival (later dearest friend and partner) Fate Testarossa, although Nanoha is more interested in befriending her. Needless to say, she succeeds in befriending Fate, however her methodology has lead to an interesting pun.
Nanoha lives at her home above Midori-ya, the cafe owned by her family in Uminari City, with her mother Momoko, her father Shirō, her brother Kyōya and her sister Miyuki, the latter two of whom served as the main characters of Triangle Heart. Nanoha balances cram school, regular school and hunting for Jewel Seeds with ease, although Yūno fears that it may be too much for her in the long run. Although she tries to hide her identity from her friends and family, in contrast to many mahou shoujo series, she blatantly advertises it to Fate.
Later on, the series focuses not on the collection of Jewel Seeds but on the eventual team up of Nanoha and Fate, which does happen in the second-to-last episode as Fate comes to terms with her and her mother's identities. Nanoha and Fate must part as Fate is arrested for the work she did for Precia, but they part as friends and promise to reunite, as Fate will likely be acquitted of all charges.
=== In A's ===
In A's, Nanoha may be living in peacetime, but she has not let her work slide. She goes out each day (4:00 A.M according to the manga) and trains with Raising Heart, when we see her training in the anime (episode 1) she practices hitting a can of cola repeatedly in the air and being disappointed when the can doesn't go into the trash can. Later she is attacked by one of the Wolkenritter, Vita, and is defeated due to the difference in power of their weapons. However, she teams up with Fate, who saves her and manages to hold Vita back until Signum enters while Yuuno brings Nanoha to a safe place. Arf and Yūno, and the Time-Space Administration Bureau help Nanoha and Fate escape Vita's Barrier which is successful, but not without the Wolkenritter stealing Nanoha's Linker Core which makes her lose some of her magical energy. Soon later in the TSAB HQ it is revealed to them that their new mission is to prevent the Wolkenritter from stealing mages' Linker Cores for their Book of Darkness. Nanoha then later introduces Fate to her two friends Arisa and Suzuka as a transfer student(though they had initially met via Nanoha and Fate's video messages), and resumes her life as a magical and school girl, helping Fate to get used to her new life on Earth. Early on in the season after the first battle against the Wolkenritter, Raising Heart, along with Bardiche, is upgraded to be able to compete with the Wolkenritter's weapons, and is renamed "Raising Heart Excelion", which gains the new cartridge system. She is then pitted against for most of the season Vita, who refuses to call her by her name, always calling her things like "Takamachi Nantoka", which can be roughly translated as "Takamachi Something-Or-Other", though in the last episode of the season she begins to call her name properly. Nanoha and Fate meet a sickly girl, Hayate Yagami, who is actually the master of the Book of Darkness, after being introduced by Suzuka later in the season. Later, when visiting Hayate who was hospitalised, Fate and Nanoha meet the Wolkenritter and find out that Hayate is the master of the Book of Darkness, and the reason why the Wolkenritter are collecting pages for the book. After Fate and Nanoha face off against the Wolkenritter, who wish to silence them for knowing their master's identity. However the match is interrupted by the two masked men (later revealed to be the Liese twins), who trap Fate and Nanoha in magical binds and a barrier and impersonated them, to make Hayate think that it was Fate and Nanoha who killed the Wolkenritter (as the masked men used their Linker Cores to fill the last pages of the Book of Darkness). Then, Fate along with Nanoha are forced to fight Hayate, as the book of darkness. However, during the fight Suzuka and Alisa discover Nanoha and Fate's true identities when they tried to protect them from Hayate's attack. With the help of the Wolkenritter and Hayate herself, they cure both Hayate and the Book of Darkness, which transforms into Reinforce, Hayate's partner and weapon.
In the manga Edit
Two official manga series expand on what happens to the characters between A's and the sequel, StrikerS.
In the epilogue issue of the A's manga series, stated as being five months after the conclusion of the A's anime, Nanoha is depicted as having enrolled as a cadet in the Armed Corps of the TSAB, with the stated intention of eventually entering the Combat Instructor Division.[3]
The ongoing StrikerS manga series occurs six years after the events of A's[4] and four years before the events of the StrikerS anime series.[5] In it, Nanoha is in her third year of junior high school. She has now achieved the position of Combat Instructor in the Armed Corps' Air Combat Training Division and is part of a tactical combat training group. As she explains to Reinforce Zwei, this group's duties include testing new equipment and spells, researching tactics and strategy, and training TSAB combat personnel through combat simulations. Chrono Harlaown, in a separate conversation, refers to her as one of the best instructors in the TSAB. She is also depicted in a brief, Vita-centric flashback as having been severely injured during a case, to the point where she came extremely close to death. It is only the second time Nanoha is shown as having been defeated completely, and is the only event where she is shown, in print or television, as having sustained a life-threatening injury. The event is not very well elaborated on, and the cause of her injuries (which she seems to have fully recovered from by the time of the manga) remains unknown until episode 21 when Vita was stabbed and realised that the Type IV Gadget Drone which stabbed her was similar to the one that injured Nanoha. In episode two of the anime Fate asks if Nanoha's body is doing all right, which tends to indicate that there are some lasting effects of these injuries. It was stated in the manga that she still gets into mock battles against Fate, but not anymore after the incident.
=== In StrikerS ===
In StrikerS, Nanoha is 19 years old and the primary Combat Instructor for the Riot Force 6 of Time-Space Administration Bureau's Special Management,[6] and also the commander of record for the "StarS" squad in the field, she has grown more mature over the 4 year time gap between A's epilogue and StrikerS. Nanoha, like Fate, is a S+ class mage without limiters, which is the second highest rank possible to be achieved by a mage, and she is a AA class mage with the limiters, 2 ranks down from what she should be.
She is first seen in the season with Raising Heart Excellion, and checking the field for Subaru and Teana's examination. After the pair reach their goal Nanoha comes in transformed so as to stop Subaru and Teana from crashing. After gathering the members of the newly formed Riot Force 6, Nanoha begins to train the new recruits, Subaru, Teana, Caro and Erio (who have both taken in by Fate). Later in the season, Nanoha becomes Vivio's guardian or, as Vivio calls her, Mama, and looks after Vivio along with Fate who is her godmother (though Nanoha later officially adopts Vivio). Near the end of the season, Nanoha along with the rest of Riot Force 6, besides the Forwards, Signum and Fate, deal with the Saint's Cradle going into orbit. Nanoha enters the cradle, along with Vita, and they split up, with Nanoha going to the Throne Room and Vita going to the engine room. Nanoha quickly deals with one of the Numbers, using her Blaster System, before entering the Throne Room, where Vivio is being held. Quattro manipulates Vivio, forcing Nanoha and Vivio to fight each other, during the fight, however, Nanoha uses a wide area search and finds the place where Quattro is hiding and, using her Divine Buster and her Blaster System at level 3, knocks her out by blasting a hole through the Cradle. However, Vivio still does not revert back to her normal self and continues to fight Nanoha until Vivio manages to begin to regain control, but still cannot gain complete control, and Nanoha is forced to use her Blaster System at Full Power, firing five Starlight Breakers at the same time, which then reverts Vivio back to her normal self. Later, Subaru and Teana come in to save Nanoha and Hayate (who came to save Nanoha). In the epilogue of StrikerS, Nanoha was offered many promotions, all of which were turned down in favour of her current position as a combat instructor. She now also lives with Vivio, and checks up on her every so often, even when she is in class.
Before StrikerS, it is apparent that Nanoha's magical ability has increased at an accelerated rate via intensive self-training, in addition to the strain resulting from repeatedly channeling the additional magical energy from the cartridge system added to Raising Heart in A's, it eventually resulted in Nanoha's body suffering very severe internal damage that revealed itself during a near-fatal incident which was depicted in the manga. Nanoha was hospitalized for some time as a result of it, and her doctors originally feared she would never be able to fly or even walk again. Eventually, however, she did recover enough to resume active duty with the TSAB. As a result of this, she has intentionally designed the Riot Force 6's training regiment to ensure the same thing will not happen to the members of the StarS and Lightning squads.[7]
=== In ViVid ===
In ViVid, which takes place four years after StrikerS, Nanoha, now 23, is on leave, working as a civil servant on Mid-Childa and raising Vivio. Shortly after Vivio enters fourth grade, she gives her a device named Sacred Heart, which enables her to revert to her adult form.
In chapter 8, she and Fate organize a trip to Carnaaji for Vivio and her friends. She also uses this opportunity to get to know Einhart Stratos, whom she thanks for looking after Vivio, much to Einhart's embarrassment. In chapter 10, she, Subaru, Teana, Fate, Caro, and Erio participate in a spectacular mock battle on Carnaaji.
In the upcoming team battle on the second training day, Nanoha will take the Center Guard position of the Blue Team, opposing Teana.
=== In Force ===
Despite the manga bearing her name, Nanoha first appears in chapter 4 of Force, when she meets up with Subaru at a dimension port on Mid-Childa (though before that, she is also seen in the prologue chapter, when Vivio sees her off on a "business trip"). As they walk together, Nanoha comments that she hasn't worked together with Subaru since Riot Force 6. Subaru asks her opinion on "the new equipment", to which Nanoha expresses moderate approval, saying that she and Vita will have to test them more later. She then asks Subaru about Touma Avenir, whom Subaru introduced to her earlier.
In chapter 7, Nanoha is at the Caledfwlch Techniques testing facility, finalizing the adjustments to her AEC Armament, CW-AEC02X Strike Cannon. Raising Heart asks to fine-tune the "Fortress" (Nanoha's second AEC Armament, numbered 00, which only the two of them can use at the moment), when they are ordered to scramble to assist Signum, who has been engaging Cypha of Hückebein in battle on Ruwella.
== Skills ==
== Skills ==

Revision as of 23:58, 4 March 2013

Nanoha Takamachi
A.K.A. Captain Takamachi
Ace of Aces
The White Devil
Age 25
Voice Actor Tamura Yukari
Relatives Takamachi Shiro (father)
Takamachi Momoko (mother)
Takamachi Kyouya (older brother)
Takamachi Miyuki (older sister)
Vivio Takamachi (adopted daughter)
Series Magical Girl Lyrical Nanoha
  • Name: Nanoha Takamachi
  • Character Tier: 3
  • Age: 25
  • Sex: Female
  • Birthday: March 15
  • Parents: Takamachi Shiro (father), Takamachi Momoko (mother)
    • Place of Birth: Uminari City, Japan, Earth (Non-administered World 97)
    • Nationality: Japanese, Midchilda
    • Specialty: Long-range combat, teaching
    • Hobbies: Baking
    • Likes:
    • Dislikes:
    • Favorite Food: Baked goods
    • Least Favorite Food: Green tea with milk and sugar
    • Favorite Music: J-Pop
    • Favorite Sport:
    • Most Valuable Possessions: Raising Heart
    • Level of Education: Military University
    • Seiyuu/Voice Actor:
  • Physical Stats
    • Height: 5'6"
    • Weight:
    • Eyes: Violet
    • Hair: Brown


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Nanoha was, as a child, lonely and depressed. With her mother and father running the bakery business and her older siblings acting as bodyguards and crimefighters, she spent most of her time alone. She felt helpless and without a purpose in life, and wished for the strength to change things. Finding she had great potential for magic gave her the purpose she needed.

Nanoha always tries to understand other people, especially her opponents. As such, she's shown to try to take a diplomatic approach to problems and tries to reason with her enemies at first. However, Nanoha is also pragmatic; she is not afraid to use force if communication alone is not enough.

In combat, Nanoha favors using tactical deception to achieve victory. She frequently uses misdirection, binding spells, and tactical planning to take on opponents who are stronger than herself.


[show details]


Physical Skills:

  • Alertness: Normal - Good (+2), Magical Sensors - Incredible (+4)
  • Athletics: Physical Endurance - Very Good (+3), Dodge/Agility/Speed - Very Good (+3)
  • Stealth - Good (+2)

Social Skills:

  • Subterfuge - Good (+2)
  • Streetwise - Novice (+1)
  • Intimidation - Incredible (+4; Nanoha is very good at using force to get her point across)
  • Leadership - Amazing (+5; Nanoha is a natural leader and teacher)

Mental Skills:

  • Computers - Very Good (+3)
  • Medicine: First Aid - Good (+2)
  • Law - Good (+2)
  • Occult: Dimensional Magic - Amazing (+5), Magic Theory - Incredible (+4), Other Magic/Supernatural/Occult - Good (+2)
  • Politics - Good (+2)
  • Science: Magical-Science - Incredible (+4), Natural Science (Physics, Chemistry) - Good (+2)
  • Technology: Magical Repair - Very Good (+3), Other - Novice (+1)

Other Skills:

  • Survival - Very Good (+3)
  • Empathy - Very Good (+3)

Special Abilities

Barrier Jacket (防護服 / バリアジャケット)

Nanoha's primary form of defense, the Barrier Jacket is a magic armor protecting a mage from external harm. Unlike protection spells and other defensive magic, it is permanently active and can only be dispelled by critically damaging or destroying the Device that conjured it. The defensive capabilities of Barrier Jackets are very high and protect the mage from life-threatening conditions, however, they cannot be completely relied upon for protection.

Despite their appearance as "clothes", the Barrier Jacket fully protects the mage's body. Any appearance of an "unarmored location" is completely cosmetic. On the subject of appearance as clothes, the appearance of the Barrier Jacket is fully determined by the caster and device based on his or her personal preferences. While most rank-and-file military mages wear a common Barrier Jacket design, highly-skilled mages are given complete freedom to configure their Barrier Jacket to their personal taste.

Barrier Jackets can be tuned to enhance certain characteristics; for example, a Barrier Jacket can sacrifice defense for a speed boost. Skilled mages might have multiple forms of Barrier Jackets they can switch between at-will for maximum flexibility in combat.

  • Aggressor Mode: This is Nanoha's current standard Barrier Jacket. It has a balanced set of characteristics.
  • Exceed Mode This form engages when Raising Heart enters Exceed Mode. It is bulkier, and is designed to incorporate support equipment like the Strike Cannon and Fortress, as well as provide extra power generation, defense, and control.

Attack Magic (攻撃魔法 Kōgeki Mahō)

Melee Magic (打撃 / 斬撃 Dageki/Zangeki)

Melee magic spells are used in conjunction with Devices which have melee weapon forms. Advanced Devices have the capability of transforming into multiple forms, each with different characteristics.

Flash Impact / Maneuver Shooting Star Assault - Nanoha charges at the target with Flash Move (Flash Impact) or ACS Driver (Maneuver SSA), then strikes with her weapon using a compressed mana strike at the impact location, creating an explosion which can knock back her target.
Strike Flame - A semi-actualized energy blade emitted by the tip of Raising Heart Excelion as part of its Accelerated Charge System, effectively transforming the weapon into a lance. This mode is often used to charge at a target at high speed, ramming the energy blade into the target's barrier, then firing a bombardment attack directly at the target bypassing its barrier. The spell also creates a "drill-like" field around the front of Raising Heart, which expands out around Nanoha as she flies past.
Shooting Attack (射撃 Shageki)

Shooting Attacks are single- or multiple-shot attacks that fire magical energy projectiles.

  • Impact Cannon - Nanoha fires a high-speed bullet-type projectile from her fist while punching.
  • Sacred Cluster - Nanoha fires a shotgun-type cluster of energy pellets from her fist.
  • Divine Shooter / Accel Shooter / Snipe Shot / Crossfire Shoot - Variants of Nanoha's signature guided shot attacks. Nanoha can fire and independently guide up to 32 bolts. These bolts can all move at different speeds and movement patterns. Nanoha cannot cast or control this spell while moving.
  • Stardust Fall - A "material-acceleration type" shooting spell, Nanoha lifts rocks up into the air and fires or drops them at the targets.
  • Strike Cannon - A "magic-driven physical attack", Nanoha's Strike Cannon device transforms mana directly into a physical cannon projectile, and fires at medium-to-long range, making the attack effectively a magical railgun.
Bombardment Attack (砲撃 Hōgeki)

Bombardment Attacks are heavy beam attacks. The beams strike a wide area in a cone or straight line with long-duration beams of magical energy. The beams fire for several seconds or more and are intended to break through physical and magical barriers. Often on impact, Bombardment attacks will produce a secondary explosion.

  • Barrel Shot is a composite high-speed bombardment spell with supportive effects. When cast, an invisible Bind-type spell is shot at the opponent, preventing their movement and leaving them open for a bombardment which may require a longer charging time. The spell also assists in sighting, stabilizing the bombardment route, and controlling the energy diffusion; it is usually cast before moving on to other bombardment spells.
  • Divine Buster / Excelion Buster / Photon Smasher / Strike Smasher / Strike Stars - These are all variations of Nanoha's Bombardment spells. Excelion Buster is a guided attack instead of aimed. Strike Smasher is a faster-cast spell than the others; excelion buster and strike stars are higher damage-output. Nanoha can use mana cartridges to increase the damage output of these spells; using a whole magazine of cartridges, she cast an enhanced Divine Buster which was able to smash through bulkheads from one end of a giant spaceship to the opposite end, striking a target accurately. Raising Heart can assist her with targeting, and with such assistance, she can hit targets even without direct line of sight or at great distances.
  • Starlight Breaker - Nanoha's signature spell of her own creation. This spell is a "collection-bombardment" spell; it recycles leftover mana that is spread over the battlefield environment, and condenses it together into a large sphere. When the spell has charged sufficiently, she completes the casting, dumping all of the collected mana into a direct bombardment attack. It is most useful at the end of a battle, when the area is saturated with excess magical energy. The impact of a single beam can easily level buildings in a ten-block area. Nanoha can fire up to five total beams using Blaster Bits from Raising Heart.
  • Excellence Cannon Variable Raid - This is a bombardment attack using the Beam and Plasma Cannon units of Nanoha's Fortress and Strike Cannon AEC Armaments. This is a "magic-driven physical attack", and as such, is not subject to magic resistance or magic immunity.
Area Attacks (広域攻撃 Kōiki Kōgeki)
  • Blast Calamity - A combination spell cast by Fate and Nanoha, a barrel field is first generated by Raising Heart, then the Nanoha's mana is fed into Bardiche's blade. Fate uses their mana to release a blow of energy through a strike, followed by Nanoha's Buster and Fate's Smasher to fill the field.

Defensive Spells (防御魔法 Bōgyo Mahō)

Barrier-type Defense

Barrier Defenses can generally defend in a wide range of directions but are relatively easy to break. They work by absorbing the power of an attack in order to reduce damage.

  • Protection/Wide Area Protection - Protection is Raising Heart's Auto-Guard spell. The Wide Area Protection variant creates a barrier dome around a fixed location, used often to protect others.
  • Barrier Burst - Nanoha detonates her active barrier spell to counter a melee attack. She can use this spell to break a melee engagement and gain distance for her shooting and bombardment attacks.
Shield-type Defense

Shield Defenses are significantly more difficult to penetrate, but they are monoplanar. They defend by repelling energy driven against them.

  • Round Shield/Multiple Round Shield - Nanoha erects a monoplanar barrier to repel attacks. "Multiple Round Shield" creates a cone-shaped series of shields which deflect large-scale incoming attacks.
    • Holding Shield - This variant not only deflects the damage of an incoming attack, but if the weapon is a physical or magical melee weapon, it traps the weapon inside the shield.
Field-type Defense

These spells create a personal defense aura. Barrier Jackets are a form of always-active field spells, but mages and knights with strong defensive abilities can create additional layers in the form of specialized field spells.

  • Reactor Purge - This spell "unravels" in a second all the mana used to comprise her Barrier Jacket to cause a blast. It has a significant attack power and can disrupt binding spells. However, she will be vulnerable for a few moments after purging the Jacket, and she requires mana to rebuild it.

Capture (捕獲系魔法 Hokaku Kei Mahō) Spells

Bind-Type Capture

Bind-type spells directly inhibit a target's freedom of movement and the use of certain action triggers (movements necessary to activate spells) by attaching themselves to the target.

  • Ring Bind / Hoop Bind - This basic binding spell holds its target in place. Nanoha can deliberately delay the spell's activation to trick her targets into getting into a compromising position.
  • Restrict Lock - The single most-comprehensive binding spell, Restrict Lock completely prevents its target from moving in any way, apart from turning its head. Unique among other binding spells, Restrict Lock cannot be overpowered by the physical strength of its target, though it can be affected normally by "Decline-type" spells like Bind Break.
Cage-Type Capture

Cage-type spells entrap targets within force barriers.

  • Crystal Cage - This spell traps targets within a pyramid-shaped barrier. While trapped inside, the target(s) cannot use magic. The cage, however, is susceptible to physical damage and can break if enough force is applied repeatedly.

Force Field (結界魔法 Kekkai Mahō) Spells

Circle-Type Force Fields
  • Floater Field - This spell creates a "repelling cushion" that slows the impact and fall of a target. Used to reduce or nullify the damage from falling or knockback.
Area-Type Force Fields
  • Temporal Force Field (Kekkai) - This spell creates a dome up to a kilometer across. Within this area, anyone who possesses magical or other "special" power, or anyone who the caster specifically designates, is shifted out of synchronization with the normal flow of time. Physical objects do remain in place, and can be damaged, but uninvolved civilians are completely removed from harm's way. After combat ends, specialized repair teams can be transported into the field to repair physical damage to buildings and objects before the field is released. Force Fields of this kind are generally inaccessible from the outside without a specific magical "encryption key", which designates the specific temporal harmonics of the altered time flow. A mage can choose to share this information and can communicate or move freely outside the effect if they know the key.

Support (補助魔法 Hojo Mahō) Spells

Increase-type Support
  • Divide Energy - Nanoha an transfer some of her magical energy to an ally, recharging their supply of energy.
Decline-type Support
  • Bind Break - An escape spell that attempts to deactivate a binding spell. The time required depends on the complexity of the target magic.
Transport-type Support (移動魔法 Idō Mahō)
  • Flier Fin - Nanoha can fly.
  • Flash Move - This spell allows her to move at speeds where the human eye can no longer track her.
  • Accelerated Charge System - This enhancement to Raising Heart uses mana rockets to greatly boost Nanoha's effective flight speed, enabling high-speed charge attacks with such acceleration that the bow shock from her charge can destroy heavily-armored drone targets.
  • Dimensional Transfer - This spell allows the caster and targets to teleport, either within the current dimension or to other dimensions. It is a ceremonial spell and requires time to cast.
Uncategorized Support
  • Sealing - This spell is used to render dangerous magical artifacts or weapons safe and inert. A magical device affected by this spell is not usable until the seal is broken.
  • Holding Net - This support spell can be used to catch fast-moving or falling targets.
  • Area Search/Wide Area Search - Nanoha uses this spell to search large areas for specific targets. When found, Nanoha and Raising Heart know the exact coordinates and distance to the target.

Powers & Merits

  • Linker Core (リンカーコア): Nanoha possesses a "Linker Core", a special organ in her body about the size of a marble, which allows her to store, produce, and channel mana within her body, and link it to magical spells to create a variety of effects.
    • Telepathy: Mages possess the capability to communicate telepathically, both with eachother and with their Devices.

Unique Items

Magical Devices are ubiquitous and extremely versatile tools used by mages and knights who use the Midchilda and Belkan magical systems. The basic function of any Device is to augment its master's magic abilities and assist them in casting spells. Devices are attuned to operate only with one master, though a Device's master can temporarily or permanently willingly yield control of his or her device to another mage. A mage can also possess more than one device, but it's exceptionally rare for a mage to possess more than one Intelligent (or Unison) Device.

Unless designed otherwise, Magical Devices can only be used by mages or knights who possess a Linker Core and practice either the Midchilda or Belkan magical systems. To anyone else, they'd be nothing more than a very useful personal digital assistant.

Raising Heart

Raising Heart is an ancient Intelligent Device designed specifically for medium-to-long range combat, tactical fire support, and specifically magical cannon attack magic. It accepted Nanoha as her Master when she was only nine years old due to her innate magical potential.

  • Auto-Guard - Auto-Guard is a Device function that automatically activates a defensive spell (usually of Barrier-type) if its master is under attack but cannot respond due to surprise or injury.
  • Blaster Bits - Raising Heart can spawn up to four "blaster bits", similar to Gundam "fin-funnels". These bits can fire and move independently, or link together with the main unit to fire the same spell multiple times.
  • Blaster Mode - A magical amplification system which pushes Nanoha past her normal safety limits. Prolonged use of this mode causes direct physical harm to her.

CW-AEC02X Strike Cannon

The Anti-Eclipse Experimental Weapon 02, codename "Strike Cannon", is a magic-driven weapon designed to be used against enemies who are immune to magic. It is two meters long. The Strike Cannon has two operating modes, "Open" and "Closed". "Open" mode is effectively a long-range magic-driven railgun. "Closed" mode is a magic-driven claymore/lance, usable for short-range melee combat.

CW-AEC00X Fortress

The Anti-Eclipse Experimental Weapon 00, codename "Fortress", is a magic-driven equipment set manufactured for Nanoha for the express purpose of dealing with enemies who are immune to magic. The equipment set adds armor and self-propelled physical "S2 Shields" (which mount weapons themselves) to Nanoha's loadout. Nanoha has three such shield units, one is a long-range beam cannon, one is a medium-range plasma cannon, and the third is a melee-range blade unit. Additionally, the system has a flight-control unit to maintain flight capability even when under a magic-cancelling effect such as the Zero Effect. The S2 Shields are capable of generating defensive barriers automatically as needed.

Weaknesses & Flaws

Magic use is generally draining. For Nanoha, it can be physically harmful. Nanoha's full magical output can far exceed her body's normal limits. She has been known to push herself to the point where she hurts herself and leaves herself open to attacks she normally would be able to fend off.
Old Injury
As a result of her overtaxation, Nanoha was critically injured in combat and had to spend a year in rehabilitation. She has largely healed from this, but she must take extra care in battle not to overexert herself or she risks falling again.
AMF - Anti-Magilink Field
All Mages who possess a Linker Core are susceptible to an effect called an "Anti-Magilink Field" or "AMF". An AMF creates a resistance between reality and the ability for a mage to link mana to spells. Depending on the intensity of the field, the AMF can either make casting more difficult, or it can prevent it entirely and even negate existing links, such as flight spells. There are several ways to circumvent AMFs, most of which rely on "barriers" around spell effects, or using physical attacks.
Zero Effect - Eclipse Divider (魔導殺し Madō Koroshi)
Recently, a serious threat has been uncovered in the form of the Zero Effect. These weapons and the people who wield them have the ability to completely cancel active magical effects, repel any magical attack, and break through any magical defense, making them extremely dangerous to mages and knights.