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Crono Arinborn
Age 21
Voice Actor Nakamura, Yuuichi
Relatives Chronus and Sonya Arinborn (Father/Sister)
Series Original
Player Crono
  • Name: Crono Arinborn
  • Age: 21
  • Sex: Male
  • Birthday: May 15th
  • Parents: Chronus and Emilia Arinborn
    • Place of Birth: Malaith
    • Nationality: Malaithian
    • Specialty: Engineering, Acrobatics
    • Hobbies: Violin, Archery
    • Likes: Swordplay, enjoying quiet study
    • Dislikes: People taking things for granted
    • Favorite Food: Strawberries
    • Least Favorite Food: Peaches
    • Favorite Music: Classical
    • Favorite Sport: Tennis
    • Most Valuable Possessions: Equipment from home, Mother's pendant
    • Level of Education: Morven University Masters (Computer Science, Electrical Engineering)
    • Seiyuu/Voice Actor: Nakamura, Yuuichi
  • Physical Stats
    • Height: 5'10"
    • Weight: 181
    • Eyes: Blue
    • Hair: Blond, ruffled


Crono is a fairly average looking young man on the surface, blue eyes and blond hair trickling to his ears. Beneath any apparel, however, shows both growth and strain upon his body, relentless in all his fields. Unusually thin when younger, Crono’s form now is honed to a precision to compensate for his lack of an imposing body type. He tends to wear broad, waving pants tucked into leather worker’s boots so that his movements are never restricted to tight leggings. His tops changes to whatever is appropriate, often a fairly elaborate looking green vest, claiming it was standard attire from home, and defaults to an nonrestrictive tank-top when all else fails so he can work.


Crono's schedule on his home left nearly zero time for social outings. As a result, he's extremely humble, having little conscious measure of his own talents against others and defaults most of his behaviors on just being polite to a fault. The former also gives him a very weak sense of humor, often letting sarcasm or jest slip right over him until he's more familiar with any given party.


Crono’s father was one of the planet’s most renowned scientists, creating many of the more modern aspects of life enjoyed. Being the son of his father, Crono was schooled strictly and had many expectations coming from the man. Crono excelled vastly beyond most students his age, but strained under the pressure and eventually rebelled from his father’s wishes, joining the populations Peacekeepers in an effort to become what he saw as the opposite of his father. He now balances a tight schedule of study at the world capital's most prestigious school, while taking one on one martial lessons from a reputable trainer, while still finding the time to work on a team of Peacekeepers as a fledgling officer.


Physical Skills:

  • Alertness: +3 (Very Good)
  • Athletics: +5 (Amazing)
  • Stealth: +2 (Good)

Social Skills:

  • Subterfuge: N/A
  • Streetwise: +1 (Novice)
  • Intimidation: N/A
  • Leadership: +2 (Good)
  • Expression: +1 (Novice)
  • Etiquette: +1 (Novice)
  • Performance - Violin: +3 (Very Good)

Mental Skills:

  • Computers: +5 (Amazing)
  • Investigation: +2 (Good)
  • Medicine: +1 (Novice)
  • Law: +2 (Good)
  • Occult: N/A
  • Politics: +1 (Novice)
  • Science: +5 (Incredible)
  • Technology: +5 (Amazing)

Other Skills:

  • Driving: +1 (Novice)
  • Survival: +1 (Novice)
  • Empathy: N/A
  • Animal Ken: -1 (Abysmal)

Special Abilities

Dual-Bladesman (and other CQC)

Crono was trained under the Malaith’s star duelist, Shenhale Marcuth, in his unique style of double long-blades, staves, and hand-to-hand combat. For his swords, the focus is upon an unorthodox use of balance, compensating the weapon-choices obvious barriers of mobility by familiarizing one’s self with the center point of the blades. Thus the wielder is able to let force do much of their dirty work. It isn’t uncommon for Crono to simply ‘let go’ of his blade at the right time in a strike only to gather it from its new toppling trajectory a moment later in a violent swing. His staff work is similarly focused on preserving and abusing momentum from strike to strike, remaining fluid, while his hand-to-hand combat is focused around submissions and defensive movements that abuse over-commitments on enemy strikes.

  • Reversal - Under Marcuth's style, a wielder is taught how to confidently release grip of a weapon mid-contention, allowing one to reverse their hold on their weapon. By doing so, a parry can become a reverse-grip slash, a fumble into a sudden thrust, etc. (Special: When Crono succeeds an opposed weapon-based CQC check by 3 or more, a free counter-strike is allowed).


Nothing shy of a friggin' monkey. Conservation of momentum and outright silly acts of balance are what Crono's all about, supplemented by his martial training in focus. Using pivot points allows him seemingly impossible twists, flips, running-along-bars, flinging himself from one grip on a wall to another, the possibilities are endless!

  • Light Footed - While many are adapt acrobats, it takes a trained mind to understand how to use it when caught off-guard. Crono knows how to keep proper balance while at the same time giving up his footing, sometimes allowing him to 'ride' heavy assaults (ex: blocked melee assaults from stronger foes) and shockwaves (ex: explosions) where he might otherwise have taken the full force.

Emergency Response Officer (Peacekeepers)

Familiar with most police concepts and equipment, as well as having the basic training required to operate most common firearms after his time as a Knight on an ERO team for the Peacekeepers. He is more talented with the use of pistols than anything, including making non-distracted use of them in tight melee combat.

  • Jack-of-Studied-Trades - While lacking in many social areas, Crono's sheer tenacity at keeping up on studies, martial practice, and officer duties has lead him to have an almost jack-of-all-trades set of knowledge. Being an ERO officer has given him generalized understanding of law, investigations, field-based medical practice, raising commands to a group of officers on a moment's instinct, and even stealthy entering for police-busts.

Focused Senses

From his martial studies, Crono was taught to read and rely on his physical senses heavily - even to the point of being able to focus in on one or pushing out another when too distracting.

  • Pointed Focus - When making a purposeful sensory check (eyeing the horizon, eavesdropping, etc), Crono's alertness is boosted to a +4 instead of +3. Surprised-checks (ambush, etc) remain at their usual +3.
  • Undisturbed - Due to his ability to push distracting senses away, Crono is less troubled in attacks that rely on disorientation (ex: Flashbang grenades). While still losing the denied senses, he's quickly able to adjust to his others in the pinch.

Powers & Merits

Hardened Blood

As per any fighter within the Militant Academy’s of Malaith, Crono was given the opportunity to become injected with a questionably unsafe concoction. The concoction itself, a mix of microscopic metallic shavings bound to benign bacteria that would serve as a transporting agent throughout the body. Given time to mature, the bacteria fuses with the blood, creating an effect that ‘hardens’ the blood when the muscles are flexed in certain fashion. This allows for an effect resembling synthetic muscles, in defense. By hardening the blood in the right motions, a stance becomes that much stronger without the limitations of a truly bulky body. When hes dug properly in his stance, Crono might as well be a steel pillar rising from the ground. This is not, however, a substitute for good ol’ fashion muscle in most offensive cases (he can only hold, not exert).

Natural Learner

Social or not, Crono loves to learn, and is naturally adapt at applying common sense to anything that he can treat as a physical problem. He's exceptionally quick at understanding new ideas, picking up new technology, or anything he can properly study.

Lightning Calculator (1): You have a natural affinity for numbers. +1 bonus when relevant.

Catlike Balance (2): Difficulties for balance-related Athletics rolls are at -1.

Unique Items

Microfiber Boots and Gloves

These allow resistance to vertical surfaces without the true restriction of adhesion. An average user may scale walls with both boots and gloves at roughly the speed one would expect of a cliff side with proper grips, and boots alone allow for impressive cling-and release wall acrobatics. Built into his Peacekeeper uniform.

Born Industries All-Tool

A modified version of the popular Born Industries compact model, it much resembles a Swiss Army knife with a diverse set of tools one could need on the fly. These devices include - a spot welder, wire cutters, small reel of copper wire, small jaws-of-life opener, knife, adjustable-head screwdriver, and a lock pick.

Long Fall Boots

Created in response to losing many of his usual possessions, Crono has designed spring-and-support based boots which, when activated, allow him to spring-jump higher than a normal human (about the height of a one-story building), and land safely from increased impact of even higher (about five stories or so before the impact becomes potentially damaging). This functionality is allowed by use of high-tension springs and retractable knee-to-ankle supports that trigger on certain motions of the user. Nothing of these boots looks out of the ordinary until either is triggered. The sole of the boots may also be combined with Microfiber Boots above.

Collapsible Unobtainium Staff

Another work created in response to losing his prior possessions, Crono has designed a simple but well-crafted spring-expanding staff. A support built into the staff's frame, recycled from material from his swords, makes the staff itself exceptionally sturdy and nearly impossible to cut through in brief combat. Despite the spring-expanding nature, the staff actually remains expanded due to locking it in place - allowing the spring itself to be weak and collapsible again quickly with basic pressure when unlocked. Able to fit neatly on his belt when collapsed.

Translation Bracelet

Provided by the Mage Guild of Ylisstol, this bracelet allows Crono to speak and write other languages than his own. It is magical in nature.

Aerich Arylle Longswords

A pair of non-magical but well crafted longswords, taken by Crono from Chill Point.

Elven Garb

Two pairs of fancy elven garb.

Ylisstol Violin

A white-coated, well crafted instrument made in Ylisstol.

Dragon Gold

77.5 dragon gold

Items Of Note

Mementos of Home

Crono possesses a number of technological items from home that are far beyond what the current realm would consider normal. These will need deconstructing, but give Crono access to a limited supply of recycled materials for simpler works.

Peacekeeper Uniform

An almost elaborate looking white-and-blue leather attire that marks his status as a police officer on his home, this uniform holds much sentimental value to Crono, but also has been personally fitted for comfort during combat.

Mother's Necklace

Entrusted to him by his father, this is a silver chain and decorated silver pendant that once belonged to Crono's mother. Though carefully tucked away, Crono is rarely without this. This may be mistaken for a Holy Symbol by those of assuming nature.

Weaknesses & Flaws

Weakened Heart

Crono suffers from the very same trouble that took his mother at an early age - a rare condition that gives him a frail heart. Measuring his own limits is crucial to his long-term well being, and in moments of particular duress, his heart can lose control of its sense of urgency, causing his adrenaline to pump long after its needed, often outright crippling him.


Hey Crono - I'm not sure that's the local language here. Hope you figure something out fast! The language of Crono's home is much closer to the elven tongue of certain worlds (GM's discretion for when this is relevant. Attempting to translate elven tongue between styles may also cause him to sound broken to them).

Mistaken Identity (1): Who is that strange blond haired swordsman?

Nightmares (1): Crono is often plagued by nightmares when in restless state, often unable to convince himself to relax when continued duties away the next morning. A particularly bad night may cause you to have a -1 penalty on all rolls.

Compulsion - Fix all the TVs (1): Crono has a hard time keeping personal balance, and trusting certain responsibilities to others. You might need to roll (Diff 6) to resist this, or become insistent that he can handle it.

Inferiority Complex (1): No matter what you do, by your standards, it's just not good enough. In situations requiring you to take charge and strut your stuff, any roll you make is at -1 Penalty.

Large Scale Battle Abilities

  • Stats: +500 ATK
  • Special - Jack of All Trades - Three times per battle, Crono can redirect his combat bonus where it would be most useful. This is declared after success or victory, allowing for a surprise +500 DEF or +250 ATK/DEF on a whim.
  • Super - Power of the Science - Crono can add his leadership Bonus to the army commander, or choose another Exalted to join with his own. This lasts for the rest of the battle, but Crono is out of it afterwards.


Working with Evidence!
Casual Clothes