Melody Carmichael

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Melody Carmichael



A.K.A. Melody Carmichael/Kaleid Sapphire
Age 16
Voice Actor Miyuki Sawashiro
Singing: Marina
Relatives Letty Carmichael (Father)
Aimi Utada (Mother)
Series Original
Player Soul
  • Name: Setsuko Utada/Melody Carmichael
  • Age: 16
  • Sex: Female
  • Birthday: February 23rd
  • Parents: Letty Carmichael (Father) - Aimi Utada (Mother)
    • Place of Birth: Crystal Tokyo
    • Nationality: Japanese
    • Specialty:
    • Hobbies: Singing and Dancing
    • Likes:
    • Dislikes:
    • Favorite Food: Pizza
    • Least Favorite Food: Something that takes effort to make.
    • Favorite Music: Almost anything.
    • Favorite Sport:
    • Most Valuable Possessions: Orange Hat & Kaleid Stick Sapphire
    • Level of Education:
    • Seiyuu/Voice Actor:
  • Physical Stats
    • Height: 5'4"
    • Weight: 108 lbs
    • Eyes: Green
    • Hair: Purple
    • Special: Tattoo of a musical note on her left shoulder.


She dresses in rather common/boring clothes, not trying to be trendy, but just going with what's just lazy and comfortable. This makes her look like a tomboy at times, but she does like to wear her orange hat at all times.


She is friendly and easy going, being able to casually talk to almost anyone without trying to insult them. She takes things slowly and as lazily as possible.


She was born in Crystal tokyo to a nutty mother and father. She turned out mostly all right.
One night she was chosen by a magical talking stick to hunt down and track dangerous magical artifacts, to seal them before they cause harm to unsuspecting people. With this, she became Kaleid Sapphire!


Physical Skills Social Skills Mental Skills Other Skills
  • Alertness: +3
  • Athletics: +3
  • Stealth: +2
  • Streetwise: +1
  • Leadership: +2
  • Expression: +4
  • Etiquette: +1
  • Performance: +5
  • Computers: +3
  • Investigation: +2
  • Occult: +4 Magic Occult
    • +5 with Soul Stone
  • Driving: +3
  • Empathy: +4
  • Languages: Japanese & English

Special Abilities

  • Languages: She knows both english and japanese.
  • Performer: She knows how to sing and dance in various styles.
  • Kickboxing: A basic type of martial arts based on kicking and punching, as well as dodging and weaving attacks.
  • Bloody Cross: An advanced move of Revision Two's, Bloody Cross blocks and catches an incoming arm with Letty's own, be it a punch, chop, or anything, and locks it and the attacker into an armbar. He then thrusts his other arm up into the target's ribs or abs, punching straight upward, forming his arms into a cross.
  • Dempsey Roll: The user lowers their stance and central balance to begin with and begins to aggressively weave their body in a pattern similar to the shape of a figure eight, making it increasingly difficult for the opponent to track and trace their movements accurately. The user then fires (starting from either left or right) series of rapidly executed punches whilst continuing their bobbing and weaving, catching the target in a high paced barrage of punches that few succeed on escaping from.

Large Scale Battle Abilities

  • Stats: +250 ATK, +250 DEF
  • Special: Kaleid Sight: Any army Melody is gets a bonus against any hidden or special attacks, giving those attempting it a -3 penalty (atop the usual).
  • Super: Kaleid Smite: Melody flies into the enemy forces with a bombing run, allowing her to do three 1500 Damage attacks (DEF bonus applies). Melody is then out of the battle.

Exalted Guild Powers

  • Focus: When alone (not surrounded by allies), Mage has the chance ability of double-casting a single spell (d7 occult).
  • Sight: A small burst of flame that reveals hidden/cloaked enemies. Also about 10 seconds and the range is slightly bigger than Ruwatch.
  • Polymorph: Ability to turn a single target into a harmless critter for a short amount of time. If the target is struck/hit it breaks the spell.
  • Napalm Beat: A burst of neutral power against an enemy or group of enemies, the more enemies there are the more the weaker the spell is because damage is mitigated to others.
  • Tomes: Attuned to the use of Tomes. She can use a tome three times before it becomes useless and falls apart. (Unless stated otherwise.)

Powers & Merits

  • Magi: She has a mana pool and the ability to cast spells, but she just doesn't have any spells as of yet.
  • Final Spark: Melody focuses magical energy into her right (or left) palm, releasing a blast of holy energy outwards at an enemy. This attack only lasts a few seconds, and does not have a wide spread. This is only capable of hitting one enemy (or enemies lined up in a certain way that she could take advantage of this with).
  • Berserker Soul: This spell locks Melody out of any form of casting. Her eyes turn red as her melee strength increases slightly. Whenever Melody takes damage, her strength and endurance grows exponentially. If Melody doesn't take damage to increase the endurance, her body begins to deteriorate until she loses consciousness. Only when she feels the fight is over does Berserker Soul fade.
  • Focus: When alone (not surrounded by allies), Melody has the chance ability of double-casting a single spell (d7 occult).


  • Concentration (1): You are very good at focusing, and suffer no penalty for distractions, stress or having to repeat yourself often.
  • Clear Sighted (3): You are not fooled by illusions, and you get an Alertness roll to see through illusions, Difficulty 7, any time you face one.
  • Luck (3): You manage to succeed in places when others fail. You can repeat three failed rolls per MISSION, one repeat per roll, and the second roll always stands.

Unique Items


Kaleid Stick Sapphire

  • Voice: Miyu Matsuki
  • Description: A sentient white wand with an ornate, winged top that allows it's user to transform into the Magical Girl, Kaleid Ruby.
  • Activation: "Compact! Full Open! Maximum Mirror Gate Expansion! Der Spiegelform wird fertig zum Transport--!"
  • Weaknesses: If the wand is out of the users hand for longer than 30 seconds and also out of their reach of 50 feet, the user will de-transform.

Passive Abilities

  • Greater Prana: While transformed, the user has a boosted presence of magical energy. This would be noted by magical users.
  • Flight: Kaleid Ruby will be able to fly at max speed of 100mph. She can only carry people that she's able to in her de-transformed state, also when she carries someone her speed is then halved.

Defensive Abilities:

  • Strobe Kaleid: A barrier is erected only around Kaleid Ruby, allowing her to take one relatively strong attack. This can only be used once every five minutes.
  • HP Regen: A self buff that will increase the user's defense, and allow them to survive other types of attacks normal humans could not. It is especially resilient against physical attacks. (Gameplay Wise: The Magical Girl can take punishment that could kill an ordinary human and survive it. It does not give them invincibility or even resistance to those things, but they can take 'general damage' instead of 'Bullet wound to the neck'. Do not abuse this.)
  • Love Love Refresh: A clensing spell that will remove status/poison effects off of Kaleid Sapphire or an ally. This is a single target spell and can only be cast once per round.
  • Kaleid Sight: A sensing spell that works in a 15ft radius around Kaleid Sapphire. She will be able to sense hostile (things that would harm HER) traps/spells that have a magical quality.

Special Attacks:

  • Kaleid Smite: Kaleid Ruby lobs a small jewel (like Egg Shen from Big Trouble in Little China that causes a minor explosion) and can hit a group of enemies in a condensed area with non-elemental damage. Think of a grenade.
  • Fancy Star Meltdown: A more stronger move of Kaleid Sapphire's Kaleid Smite. She is able to throw the gem grenade which will have an armor piercing quality to it.
At this current time Kaleid Stick will be able to charge up this ability three times.
  • Cutie Beauty Shocker: Kaleid Sapphire is able to point her Kaleid Stick at a location (min. distance 20 feet away) and cause the ground to explode upwards in a non-elemental magical burst. The exploding area of effect is about 5 ft radius.
  • Lyrical Magical Genocide - Prism Axe: Kaleid Sapphire's finisher move. She will glow and twirl (with sparkles, of course) and transform her wand into a hammer. The hammer will then be swung at her enemy and a shock wave of crystals erupt from the ground and cause massive, non-elemental damage to the target(s).

Items Of Note

  • Headset: She has a wireless headset that is connected to her phone/music player.
There is also a microphone built into the headset so she can communicate.
Note: This does not stay with her when she transforms, as it is not part of Kaleid Sapphire. She has to use a normal comm unit in her ear after changing.
  • Hat: She has a hat that was given to her at a very young age. She believes she got it from her father, but she is not fully certain.

Weaknesses & Flaws

  • Addiction (3): -2 to rolls if she has not had caffeine. She is addicted to coffee, soda and tea. Anything that has caffeine, she must have.
  • Nightmares (1): She has dreams about her home being lost and losing everyone and everything she knows.
  • Phobia (1): Homophobic: She is scared of women who are interest in her. It freaks her out. -1 on rolls when dealing with this.
  • Sensation Junkie (2): (D6 Roll to resist) She likes trying new things, even if they are bad for her.