Carmilla Montano

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Carmilla Montano
A.K.A. Carmilla Lovelace
Age 19
Voice Actor Rie Kugimiya
Relatives Garcia Lovelace (Father)
Fabiola Iglesias (Mother)
Series Black Lagoon
Player Soul
  • Name: Carmilla "Loveless" Montano
  • Age: 19
  • Sex: Female
  • Birthday: July 12th
  • Parents: Garcia Lovelace & Fabiola Iglesias
    • Place of Birth: South America
    • Nationality: South American/Spanish
    • Specialty: Maid; Bodyguard
    • Hobbies: Swimming
    • Likes: Manners and tidiness.
    • Dislikes: Rudeness, senseless violence, laziness and dirtiness.
    • Favorite Food:
    • Least Favorite Food:
    • Favorite Music:
    • Favorite Sport:
    • Most Valuable Possessions: China Lake Grenade Launcher (Her Mothers)
    • Level of Education: Home Schooled
    • Seiyuu/Voice Actor: Rie Kugimiya (Shana from Shakugan no Shana)
  • Physical Stats
    • Height: 4'11
    • Weight: 110 lbs
    • Eyes: Blue
    • Hair: Blonde


She is a rather short woman with long blonde hair, usually done up in twin pigtails with her maid outfit. She has a rather petite frame, though she is slightly curvey, but not too much, as she is also slightly muscled as she trains physically on a daily basis. She dresses up as a maid while working, or in clothes one would think a soldier would wear (Boots, cargo pants and a woman's tank top with a jacket over it.).


Carmilla is a nice girl, if you can call one with an obediant yet fierce mindset nice. She knows how to be prim and proper to her master, but if she's outside of her environment, she may come off as cold or condescending, without meaning to. She's rather to the point with anything she says and doesn't like to discuss things in joking manners, since jokes escape her, at the moment.


Carmilla was sort of an accident. A small affair sparked between Garcia and Fabiola once, and Carmilla was the result of that unexpected affair. Carmilla was given a false last name upon birth to hide this fact, and ended up raised as a maid to train under Carmilla and the handicapped Roberta. She did not receive normal training, as she had to learn to live as a maid, and learn to fight like a soldier; a warrior.
Her days were full of rigorous workouts with weapons training for the first half, followed by lessons of respect and etiquette as a maid for the second half. Sometimes she would shirk her responsibilities and go swimming; something her mother also liked to do. She thought her life was rather normal, and was happy, despite the odd circumstances of her raising.
One day, when she was returning from town with an assortment of groceries and supplies needed at the estate, she returned to find that her home was no more. Only a smoking mess remained of the Mansion she called home. Someone blew the house up and killed everyone inside, including her mother and her master. Left with nothing but her own equipment, she left to seek out revenge.
For a while, she thought she had a lead on her would be killers, but they kept eluding her. She ended up joining a small group of people (Weiß), working in an cafe called Kaffeklatsch during the day, but investigating criminal activity at night (ranging from rapes to murders and slave rings).
After a while of working there, she felt she should extend her area of searching, as staying in one town was not getting her anywhere. That is when she was contacted by PARADIGM for lending her services across worlds and time. Still skeptical of the whole deal, she accepted. If it helped her find what she was looking for, she'll do anything.


Physical Skills Social Skills Mental Skills Other Skills
  • Alertness: +3
  • Athletics: +4
  • Stealth: -1
  • Subterfuge: +1
  • Intimidation: +3
  • Expression : +4
  • Etiquette: +3
  • Performance: +2
  • Computers: +1
  • Investigation: +2
  • Law: +2
  • Driving: +2
  • Survival: +1
  • Cooking: +4
  • Cleaning +5
  • Languages: English, Spanish, Japanese

Special Abilities

  • Modern Warfare: She has a lot of guns, with the knowledge of how to use them, as well as many various weapons she may come across. She also knows how to use mines and bombs and grenades, if deemed necessary.
  • Brazillian Jiu-Jitsu & Capoeria: Since she has a much smaller frame than others, her fighting style makes up of self defense and knocking her opponent to the ground via leg sweeps and grappling moves and chokeholds. She also knows how to jump around and flip off of walls and the like to evade oncoming attacks if she has to.

Powers & Merits

  • Concentration (1): You are very good at focusing, and suffer no penalty for distractions, stress or having to repeat yourself often.
  • Iron Will (5): You cannot be mind-controlled easily, and getting you to surrender is borderline impossible. When magical (or other) mind-control is attempted on you, both roll and you get a +3 bonus to your roll. It's possible to do it, but you'll fight it with every fiber of your being, and will not stay in thrall very long.
  • Daredevil (3): You love to take risks, and are damn good at living through them. +2 Bonus when risking your life. This actually stacks with other merits (like Crack Driver), so you can be extremely good at risking your life. ...but if you fail you might die, so..
  • Light Sleeper (1): You can function on very little sleep, and so are less likely to suffer penalties for losing sleep. You are also more likely to awaken quickly, and so may not get caught blindsided about something that may wake you up.

Items Of Note

Guns won in Battle

These guns were taken from Balalaika, former leader of Hotel Moscow

  • Perun: A heavily customized Beretta 93R, with 10mm rounds and an elongated barrel, complete with stock for more precise rapid fire shooting. Capable of three round bursts, with a 30 round magazine, and a small bayonet knife instead of the forward grip.
  • V Kontise: Also known as 'The End', a personalized Sig Sauer P226, also known as the Mercenary's Handgun, with double tap fire and .357 SIG caliber weapons, made to finish off even armoured or highly resilient opponents.
  • Predatel: A specially barreled and customized HK MP5SA2 Submachinegun, with a reduced stock and built in suppressor, the Predatel was Balalaika's final weapon, in that he almost never used it. The Predatel's feeding mechanism is shaped like an 8 turned on it's side.

Weaknesses & Flaws


  • She doesn't know how to just.. relax. She always yearned for a normal life, but just does not know what it is like, or how to adapt.


  • Black and White (1): You see all situations in black and white, good and evil, etc. In situations where this limited, judgmental way of thinking may hinder your reaction to something or cause you to act socially inappropriate, your Social rolls are at -1 Penalty.
  • Intolerance (1): She really dislikes messy or lazy people, and will let them full well know of her dislike.
  • Nightmares (1): -1 on all rolls after suffering a nightmare.
  • Short (1): -2 to Persuit Rolls.
  • Twisted Upbringing (1): She was raised by a very extreme set of maids that are all armed in combat with some sort of crazy martial art. Her main mentor was Rosarita the Blood Hound. She sees the world in the way of 'if the people get along with me, that's fine, but if someone gets in a fight with me, I'm going to finish it'.